December 5, 2021

why doesn't michael myers talk

Michael Myers is a virtual catalog of mental illness. Does Michael Myers die in Halloween Kills or is he immortal Michael Myers and His Powers. We … Michael Myers is a virtual catalog of mental illness. Michael myers dont speak because he won't speak. Part of the reason for this is that John Carpenter did not own or have control over the rights to the character of Michael Myers, so he and Debra Hill did not have much say in what happened with the character.. Why does Michael Myers wear a mask? Four decades after he first terrorized audiences, Michael Myers proved that he’s still got the goods. ... And these choices seem to have paid off, as Halloween is making a ton of money at the box … The exact reason has not yet been discovered by it is assumed that Myers became silent after he murdered his sister. Though the exact reason is never given, it is assumed that Myers became silent after he murdered his sister. This really plays into how Michael Myers is deemed as “evil” and lacking a conscience. In the original movie, when he is seen drowning, he shouts for help and no one comes to his aid. That's why he's a lot like Jesus. Michael Myers doesn’t die because he makes people money. A Halloween theory suggests that Michael Myers kills because his goal is to spread fear, and he doesn’t have a specific victim in mind. The Thorn cult places a curse on a child from their tribe, currently Michael Myers. Michael Myers is a fictional character from the movie Halloween. Michael has a disorder called catatonia. Michael Myers is a fictional character from the Halloween series of slasher films. He first appears in John Carpenter's Halloween (1978) as a young boy who murders his sister, Judith Myers, and then, fifteen years later, returns home to Haddonfield to murder more teenagers. Michael Myers could talk, if he wanted to. Advertisements. He was locked away at the Smiths Grove-Warren County Sanitarium for the murder. The story of Michael Myers begins on Halloween night in 1963 in the suburban town of Haddonfield, Illinois, as six-year-old Michael gets up, walks into his sister's room, and stabs her to death. … 'Halloween' Director David Gordon Green on Why Michael Myers Doesn't Go for THAT Kill. So Michael wearing the mask was Carpenter’s way of thwarting our ability … The Curse of Thorn is what makes him invincible, and commands him to kill every member of his family as a sacrifice to keep the cult alive. Samuel Loomis asserts that … And yeah, I'm sure he would allow them to bring him to the same place he planned to break out of for 15 years. Except after 40+ years of not saying a word, wouldn't his vocal cord muscles atrophy by now? Actually, he doesn’t talk at all. Can Michael Myers talk? In the newer movies, it’s just to reinforce that Michael is a slow moving, but ever unstoppable force. Michael kills people who he has no emotional attachment to all the time, in fact every single person he kills he has no feelings for. Though the exact reason is never given, it is assumed that Myers became silent after he murdered his sister. That's just because he is incapable of emotions. I loved the Laurie/Michael sibling angle and I loved the Michael as a babysitter killer angle, but we need to talk about who and what Michael is at the end of HALLOWEEN KILLS. Fans believe Michael Myers doesn’t care about kids, so he doesn’t kill them. No, Michael Myers is one character who appears in three different continuities of the same movie series. Why is Tom Atkins sucking nips? Michael Myers could talk, if he wanted to. Whether you're a horror-movie buff or not, you've heard the name Michael Myers. Michael Myers doesn’t die because he makes people money. Because that would be so rude, ... Do we consider ethics when we talk about Michael :D – Ankit Sharma. 9. Michael has a disorder called catatonia. In the original film's opening sequence, we go into Michael's POV as he brutally kills his sister on Halloween night. A horror villain’s name is an important part of the identity, so it was pretty … Why doesnt Michael Myers talk? Yes. Part of the reason for this is that John Carpenter did not own or have control over the rights to the character of Michael Myers, so he and Debra Hill did not have much say in what happened with the character. While Black Christmas (1974) might have technically beaten Halloween to the punch, the latter created so many iconic slasher movie tropes (like the final girl) that we still see in films to this day. Thankfully, John Carpenter, who directed the 1978 Halloween film that started the franchise, has an explanation for Michael's mysterious inability to die. Though the exact reason is never given, it is assumed that Myers became silent after he murdered his sister. Another young person he killed was in the 2018 reboot. While the Halloween franchise doesn't usually show Michael Myers' face, that's actually how the entire franchise began. Michael Myers is sometimes disabled from moving whenever he either sits or stands. He talks two times throughout this entire horror screen career, but nonetheless, he talks. Loomis tries to talk him down, but when Loomis tries to grab Michael's knife, Michael swings his arm backward in defiance, slashing Loomis's stomach in … Green told us why Michael and Laurie are separated throughout the movie: "Well, the Halloween franchise exists because of our good and evil – our Laurie Strode and our Michael Myers. Directed by John Carpenter and released in … So even if he wanted to speak, he would no longer be able to (at least temporarily). A Halloween theory suggests that Michael Myers kills because his goal is to spread fear, and he doesn’t have a specific victim in mind. Michael Myers:(chill) doesnt give an actual shit As long as the person doesnt try to make a move on you, you dont have to worry about your bestie getting a knife in their skull. Myers made his directorial debut with the documentary Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon (2013). That being said, let me also say that I am a HUGE fan of the Halloween franchise, excluding the Rob Zombie films (Michael doesn’t need a backstory, kthanksbye). It is this cult that gave Michael his power. There’s a simple explanation for what motivates Michael Myers that closely follows slasher movie logic, in which the killer is often motivated by a combination of neglect and sexual jealousy. A Texas attorney appeared in court Friday dressed up for Halloween -- as in Michael Myers, the serial killer from the movie “Halloween.” Why? Actually, he doesn’t talk at all. Part of the reason for this is that John Carpenter did not own or have control over the rights to the character of Michael Myers, so he and Debra Hill did not have much say in what happened with the character.. Why does Michael Myers wear a mask? The Thorn cult is a cult of druids that existed in the 4-6 timeline. The theory goes on to suggest that this is why Michael doesn't talk, because solipsism syndrome may cause Michael to "justify his murders by considering his victims figments of his imagination. That doesn’t stop us from pontificating. Fans Accuse Michael Myers Of Homophobia In Halloween Kills. Actually, Micael Myers does not talk at all. There's the original two, Halloween 1 and 2, which spun off into both 4-6 and H20 and Resurrection, and then there's Zombie's series. This makes sense because it explains why Michael walks after his victims rather than runs. Why does Michael Myers never talk? Laurie Strode, through Rube-Goldberg-ian plot devises, becomes Michael Myers’s sister. Actually, he doesn’t talk at all. Then, Why does Michael Myers never talk? Oct 29 '18 at 12:47. Accordingly, Why did Michael Myers become a killer? No, Michael Myers is one character who appears in three different continuities of the same movie series. I mean, his victims can easily escape him! Back in 1978, the boogeyman was born in the form of Michael Myers, the knife-wielding antagonist of John Carpenter’s iconic horror movie. The serial murderer appears for the first time in the first Halloween movie in 1978, directed by director and screenwriter John Carpenter. In the sixth film, 1995’s The Curse of Michael Myers the explanation decided on is that The Shape was cursed with the “Thorn” from Gaelic lore and he must kill his next-of-kin every Halloween. Thomas Hewitt:(both) Also Insecure. Michael John Myers, OC (born May 25, 1963) is a Canadian actor, comedian, director, producer, screenwriter and singer. Today we'll be looking at Michael Myers in John Carpenter's classic 1978 horror movie Halloween. Michael speaks as a child during the beginning of the film, but while in Smith's Grove he stops talking completely. Now, don’t mishear that. Nothing suggests Michael was mute before he killed his sister at age 6, and in Curtis Richards ’ 1979 novelization of Halloween , Dr. Loomis tells a colleague at Smith’s Grove Sanitarium: “This catatonia is a … Michael Myers likes to work with his hands. …This all changes, beginning with the first sequel, Halloween II, which reveals that Laurie is Michael’s younger sister. The way it should be. It's said by Dr Loomis, Michael's doctor, that Michael hasn't spoken a word since Halloween 1963 when he killed his sister Judith. Michael “Mike” Myers is the main villain from the Halloween horror films. 9. And when his mask is … Actually, he doesn't talk at all. Halloween’s Michael Myers has become one of the most popular killers from the slasher subgenre, and while he sometimes seems to kill at random (depending on which timeline you watch), he has never killed a child – but why?The horror genre went through its best time in the 1980s, and it has a lot to thank Halloween for. Actually, he doesn’t talk at all. Upon being discovered outside the home by parents and police, then subsequently transferred to a mental facility, 6 year old Michael Myers never spoke again. Though the exact reason is never given, it is assumed that Myers became silent after he murdered his sister. Though the exact reason is never given, it is assumed that Myers became silent after he murdered his sister. Jason Voorhees can talk. I explain Michael Myers talking and if he can? Accordingly, Why is Michael Myers so evil? There’s a simple explanation for what motivates Michael Myers that closely follows slasher movie logic, in which the killer is often motivated by a combination of neglect and sexual jealousy. This course was behind many of his misfortunes and destiny, which could be why he survived until the end of the show. Upon being discovered outside the home by parents and the police, Myers was admitted to a mental clinic and he never spoke again since then. Why doesn't Michael Myers talk much? He is known for his run as a performer on Saturday Night Live from 1989 to 1995 and for portraying the title roles in the Wayne's World, Austin Powers, and Shrek film franchises. Then on October 31, 1963, six year old Michael Myers brutally murdered his seventeen year old sister. Michael Myers, one of the main characters of the movie Halloween, has been cursed by Thorn’s cult group. Michael Myers is a different character in three different series of movies. One could deduce that it could be because of his time in the mental hospital after he killed his sister, but the reality is that he is a fictional character. He was a very smart kid growing up, living a normal life. Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers: Toward the end of the movie, Loomis is literally standing next to Michael, and Michael still doesn't attack him. My question is that, though Michael Myers is described as pure evil which through study, ... “Why doesn’t he? Michael Myers is a different character in three different series of movies. He doesn’t feel pain, so fighting him is out of the question. Why can Michael Myers not die? Although there is lacking evidence that Michael is mute, so why does Michael Myers not talk much throughout his films? One could deduce that it could be because of his time in the mental hospital after he killed his sister, but the reality is that he is a fictional character. The thing about Michael Myers is that he could probably do just about any job in the world and be the best at it, but he doesn't concern himself with material wealth. Michael Audrey Myers: Born 1957. Michael is quiet, methodical, and like Jason Voorhees, unstoppable. Attention to Detail. He exhibits stupor also which is an inherited disorder. Michael does not speak in the films; the first time audiences ever hear his voice is in the 2007 Rob Zombie reboot. Michael Myers is sometimes disabled from moving whenever he either sits or stands. This page is a list of them. Why is this terrible doctor bagging every girl in town? Michael Myers:(chill) doesnt give an actual shit As long as the person doesnt try to make a move on you, you dont have to worry about your bestie getting a knife in their skull. Here are the top five guns that couldn’t kill Michael Myers. Where is Michael Myers? This page is a list of them. Michael Myers and Josh Harnett are both 6'2. Winner: Jason Voorhees.There's no debating it — Voorhees is simply stronger than Myers.It isn't just increased strength that Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees possess — they are both superhumanly durable, as well.Myers has endured and survived being shot … Dr. Sartain said "He can speak, he just chooses not to." While on the set of Halloween 2 earlier this year, an acquaintance and I witnessed a night scene in which a helicopter hovered above Michael Myers. Children aren’t a threat to him, but a teenager could be, this is why he killed his sister. Oct 29 '18 at 12:47. Is Michael Myers still be able to speak? Rob Zombie originally planned to have the adult Michael speak to Laurie in the film’s finale, simply … …Michael realized this when he returned to Haddonfield and crossed paths with Laurie, who wasn’t scared of getting too close to the Myers house, even if Tommy Doyle warned her about it. They planned to place the curse on Danny Strode … TMZ gathered a collection of tweets from outraged fans. Thomas Hewitt:(both) Also Insecure. Nick Castle is 6'0, Dick Warlock is 5'9, and Don Shanks is 6'1. MTV: Talk about the plot of John Carpenter's 1978 classic versus the plot of your "re-imagining." And where are the witches? Michael Myers is a versatile antagonist whose repeated return leads to more movies, so it's understandable filmmakers would be hesitant to give his character a permanent ending. He Might Still Be Alive. ... the line moves Karen to look up at the window and think of young Michael Myers … The others actors to play Michael are smaller than 6'2. Michael can’t DIE from fire. He might get worried that you love them more than him … Myers returned to acting with the film Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997), followed by the sequels Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) and Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002). Myers played the title role (Austin Powers) and the villain (Dr. Evil), as well as other characters, in all three films. As a result, we may deduce that Michael is capable of communicating but prefers to stay mute. Background of Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees have different backgrounds which contribute to their personalities and fighting ability. Michael Myers doesn’t die because he makes people money. Not counting Halloween 3. Why does Michael Myers not speak? Nothing in the 1978 film nor the 2018 film indicates that Michael is mute. Does Michael Myers have a weakness? It has been decided that Michael Myer’s doesn’t talk because he just doesn’t want to, not because there is a problem causing him to be mute. This is why he is never able to scare us as much as he once did. Half the actors that have played Michael are 6'2 (George P. Wilbur, Chris Durand, and Brad Loree). It has been decided that Michael Myer’s doesn’t talk because he just doesn’t want to, not because there is a problem causing him to be mute. A surprising new theory on Reddit suggests that Michael Myers has an undiagnosed mental illness which causes him to question his own place in reality. as you can on halloween 2 remake michael myers when get his mask off he can talk! Upon being discovered outside the home by parents and police, then subsequently transferred to a mental facility, 6 year old Michael Myers never spoke again. Myers can even be seen as a counterpart to the protagonist of Carrie, where a teenage girl’s sexual repression ends in a bloodbath on prom night. the book, original movie, and remake's way of explain his talking and having him talk. This makes sense because it explains why Michael walks after his victims rather than runs. Why Michael Myers Does Not Talk. Myers is driven to finish what he started: killing off his family. Michael Myers could talk, if he wanted to. It has been decided that Michael Myer’s doesn’t talk because he just doesn’t want to, not because there is a problem causing him to be mute. This really plays into how Michael Myers is deemed as “evil” and lacking a conscience. He has nothing to say about what he does or why he does it. The Santa Mira After Dark gang is back (in Santa Mira) to discuss the 1982 cult classic Halloween 3! Michael Myers has been shot, stabbed, blown up, burnt – you name it, he’s probably gotten the treatment. This makes sense because it explains why Michael walks after his victims rather than runs. The pleasure of killing is an instant one, a means of snuffing out their seductive, nubile bodies. John Carpenter's 1978 film Halloween is thought by many to be the … Also, Does Michael Myers ever talk? Until he started to act a little less normal than usual. Michael Myers doesn't die because he makes people money. … Part of the reason for this is that John Carpenter did not own or have control over the rights to the character of Michael Myers , so he and Debra Hill did not have much say in what happened with the character. So, Michael is most likely to be 6'2. The director of Halloween is here to explain why exactly Michael Myers didn't go as far as he could have gone in one of the movie's most surprising moments. Actually, he doesn’t talk at all. Although there is lacking evidence that Michael is mute, so why does Michael Myers not talk much throughout his films? What made Michael Myers a killer? My question is that, though Michael Myers is described as pure evil which through study, ... “Why doesn’t he? Some fans are now taking to social media to say that boogeyman Michael Myers is homophobic in the new horror flick. Why does Michael Myers never talk? Upon being discovered outside the home by parents and police, then subsequently transferred to a mental facility, 6 … Spoiler warning for those that haven’t seen the newest Halloween, but … He exhibits stupor also which is an inherited disorder. Why does Michael Myers not talk? Michael Myers is sometimes disabled from moving whenever he either sits or stands. It’s just that fire simply weakens him, but it doesn’t kill him. Because that would be so rude, ... Do we consider ethics when we talk about Michael :D – Ankit Sharma. He might get worried that you love them more than him … Not counting Halloween 3. John Carpenter's 1978 film Halloween is thought by many to be the birthplace of the slasher genre. Michael Audrey Myers was born on October 19th, 1957, as the only son of Donald Myers and Edith Myers and the younger brother of Judith Myers. The family resided in a two-story house at 45 Lampkin Lane in the suburban town of Haddonfield, Illinois. Even from a very young age, Michael Myers was a disturbed little boy. …Michael realized this when he returned to Haddonfield and crossed paths with Laurie, who wasn’t scared of getting too close to the Myers house, even if Tommy Doyle warned her about it. Why does Michael Myers not talk? Where Michael Myers is out and an evil toy maker who wants to sacrifice thousands of children using Halloween masks is in. I’ll talk a bit about their upbringing and origin here to give you some context for the rest of the article. There's the original two, Halloween 1 and 2, which spun off into both 4-6 and H20 and Resurrection, and then there's Zombie's series. It's just that he doesn't do it in broad daylight. Unlike Kemper, Myers doesn’t keep parts of his victims as trophies or care about them after they die. This really plays into how Michael Myers is deemed as “evil” and lacking a conscience. Michael Myers Can Talk Just because he never utters a single syllable throughout the entire franchise doesn’t mean he couldn’t talk—if he wanted to. Michael Myers is rich in … Wiz: He may also have some sort of weakness to fire as the first time he was on fire, he fell into a coma. After seeing a father and son in their truck, Myers killed the father and his son after he displayed a rifle in defence. Zombie: The plot is so simple [in the original]; it's … If all this mayhem boils down to a mere family squabble, it … The first time, he was shouting in desperation. Boomstick: Michael Myers is also slow, very slow! He literally cannot, as far as the original movies go, Michael Myers actually cannot die under any circumstances. So, Michael Myers doesn’t die, because some astrological power legitimately won’t let him die. Why Michael Myers Spared That Baby In Halloween. Michael does not speak in the films; the first time audiences ever hear his voice is in the 2007 Rob Zombie reboot. Myers is shown as a … Upon being discovered outside the home by parents and police, then subsequently transferred to a mental facility, 6 year old Michael Myers never spoke again. Whether you're a horror-movie buff or not, you've heard the name Michael Myers. Halloween Kills was released in theaters and on Peacock recently to a lukewarm critical reception.

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why doesn't michael myers talk