December 5, 2021

where did bertolt brecht live

His first poems were published when he was 16 and he went on to write many hundreds throught his lifetime. Jean-Luc Godard The question whether we are to perish in despair or defiance, or survive all trails with a Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill’s "The Threepenny Opera" premieres in Berlin Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) receives its world premiere in Berlin on August 31, 1928. Focuses on plot Spectators share the experience like they are in the plot One scene transitions to another Great Rome Is full of triumphal arches. Bertolt Brecht In the books you will read the names of kings. ... bore the imprint of Brecht’s “Ten Poems from a Reader for Those Who Live in Cities” (1926-27). Till a woman wrapped you in a shawl. did Bertolt Brecht Summer, 2006, the Public Theater staged an incredible production of Brecht's painful anti-war tragedy, Mother Courage and Her Children in Central Park. The O'Dell farm is on the rocks. Didn't you see the elephant in the living room?" As such the year 2006 is being celebrated as "Brecht year". Have a very good reason for everything you do. MARTIN NIEMOLLER After a short stay in Zurich, Weigel and Brecht moved back to Germany and settled in the Soviet sector of Berlin, where they immediately proceeded with their theater work. The January 1949 premiere of Mother Courage in Berlin quickly turned Weigel into the city’s best-known actress. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. My brother Shelley found it to be a place. The Accountant: Directed by Ray McKinnon. He had never acted until he was cast as the lead in his school play at the age of 16. In Berlin he collaborated with composer Kurt Weill, most famously on Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera, 1928). Great Rome. The first meeting between Walter Ben­jamin and Bertolt Brecht did not go well. He witnessed the two World Wars, the revolutions in Austria, Germany, Hungary in 1917-1918, the uprising of Communism in Russia, Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany, and the Cold War between the United States and Russia (Geary 2). Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock ? People often associate breaking the fourth wall (more on this below) with Brecht’s theatre, puncturing the fictional world by acknowledging the real world of the audience who are watching the theatrical production. Und das mehrmals zerstörte Babylon. It’s time to address another cliché relating to Brechtian practice. Brecht was born on Dramatic Theater. Bertolt Hoover is a graduate of the 104th Training Corps, wherein he was ranked 3rd, and is a childhood friend of Reiner Braun. I. Over whom Did the Caesars triumph? Brecht attended elementary and high sc… Epic Theatre Verfremdungseffekt (Dis-illusionment) What did Artistotle focus on? Brecht wanted to distance the audience from the actors and therefore by coming out of role and directly addressing the audience, the actors did not have to set the scene. After Hitler invaded Norway and Denmark, Brecht left Sweden for Helsinki, Finland, where he lived and waited for his visa for the United States until 3 May 1941. ‘He who controls the past controls the future,’ is one of the slogans of the totalitarians who control the state in George Orwell’s novel 1984. Born in Vienna in 1900, Weigel moved to Berlin to perform in 1922, where she met and married Brecht. This strange combination of inspiration produced Brecht’s twisted sense of humor as well as the political beliefs within his plays. His major works include "Mahagonny," "Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny" and "Die Dreigroschenoper." Cold you lay and destitute of all. Poems by Bertolt Brecht. Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) lived in a period when Europe went through the most massive economic, political, and social changes. Bertolt Brecht between exile and great successes . Bertolt Brecht was born in Germany to a protestant mother and a catholic father. What did Bertolt Brecht create? Brechtian theatre aims to instruct and educate. He possessed the ability to transform into a Titan known as the Colossus Titan. I did not have experience with The Good Woman Of Setzuan: Revised English Version|Bertolt Brecht any other writing companies, but this one blew my mind. Not only did Bertolt Brecht transform German drama, but his work captured his radical commitment to socialist politics and the emancipation of working people. With the Dreigroschenoper we reach a public which either bbertolt not know us at all or thought us incapable of captivating listeners [ Although there is debate as to how much, if any, Hauptmann might have contributed to the text, Brecht is usually listed as sole author. His father, Friedrich Berthold Brecht, an employee of a paper factory, advanced to the position of business director; Brecht's mother was Sofie Brezing Brecht. The Kansas-born Robert Dole (July 22, 1923-December 5, 2021) was a high school athlete who wanted to be a doctor, but World War II intervened. Bertolt Brecht Life of Galileo Play Translators: Wolfgang Sauerlander and Ralph Manheirn Adaptor: Janek Liebetruth Version 1 September, 07 2007 . Did the masons go? He wrote operas, cantata, music for plays, concert music, film and radio scores. In his theatrical version (Der Augsburger Kreiderkreis), Brecht further edited the story by moving the setting to medieval Georgia, adding the prologue in Soviet Georgia, and extending the story to play length. The first live virtual performances of the first five plays in The Brecht Project, entitled The Private Life of the (Not So) Master Race, premiered October 27, 28 and 29, 2020. He made and shaped theatre in a way that had a huge impact upon its development. So many questions. They have immediately found the writer that nailed the task. It is a slogan always taken seriously by those living in the palaces and eating the banquets described in Brecht’s ‘Questions’. He asked that his tombstone should read: "I hope that because of my life, the powerful will sleep less comfortably." Introduction. His father is an accountant and mother a health-food shop manageress. German playwright Bertolt Brecht is considered to be one of the most influential figures in 20th-century theatre. German born Bertolt Brecht is best remembered as a daring playwright who overturned many of the conventions of established theatrics with his epic theater and its ironic acknowledgement of ... of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live? BERTOLT BRECHT (1898-1956) One of the most prominent figures in the 20th-century theatre, Bertolt Brecht (Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht) was born in Augsburg, Bavaria on February 10, 1898. Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956), the German playwright and director, could easily have spoken those very words as a summary of his theories about plays and how he wanted audiences to experience them. If so, don't hesitate to share this post to them and your other beloved ones. Bertolt Hoover (ベルトルト・フーバー Berutoruto Fūbā?) In what houses of gold glittering Lima did its builders live ? Brecht's political and satrical writing made him an early enemy of the National Socialists. He drifted towards the literary arts at an early age, writing poetry as a boy and even had a few poems published in 1914. The audience laughed as heartily (and as painfully) at Brecht’s sardonic jabs as I suspect the audience did at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm where “Threepenny Opera” debuted in … Godard's engagement with German poet and playwright Bertolt Brecht stems primarily from his attempt to transpose Brecht's theory of epic theatre and its prospect of alienating the viewer (Verfremdungseffekt) through a radical separation of the elements of the medium (theatre in Brecht's case, but in Godard's, film). He wanted to make the audience think, and used a range of devices to remind them that … But, according to him, this could only be possible if the people were to develop a critical attitude and awareness of the contradictions that exist in such a society, in which "exploiters exploit the … Thus, ironically, the Marxian revolution had more fruitful results in theory and cultural practice than in actual politics. Is he really talking about radio? Bertolt Brecht was born in a German town called Augsburg, on the 10th February 1898. Rollo May. Brecht lived in Santa Monica until the advent of the McCarthy era made life—and work—uncomfortable for him. Directed by George Wolfe and starring Streep, the play received positive notices and focused attention through the experience of live theater on our very own war still raging in Iraq to this day. A Controversial Pacifist Eugen Berthold Brecht—he later dropped the first name and changed the spelling of the middle name—was born in Augsburg, Germany into a fairly well-to-do bourgeois family on February 10, 1898. Bertolt Brecht wrote Das Lied vom Weib des Nazi-Soldaten and the song's English version The Wife of the Soldier in 1943 for his play Schweyk im Zweiten Weltkrieg ( Schwejk in the Second World War ). The concept of the mask as a modifier of conventional signs of identity can be seen in Bertolt Brecht's use of masks, as a deliberate act of alienation of the spectator. Bertolt Brecht Biography, Life, Interesting Facts. He did this first by re-imagining the role of the spectator. His parents were originally from Kenya and grandparents from Gujarat in India. Please SHARE and LIKE this via your social networks! During the 1930s, his works did not find much acceptance by the Reich ministry of culture. To this windy world of chill distress. Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished Did the masons go? By Matthew Lasar on March 31, 2010 in History, The Future. People also ask, what did Brecht want from his audience? Still more like Los Angeles. Prima vennero... è in origine un sermone del pastore Martin Niemöller sull'inattività degli intellettuali tedeschi in seguito all'ascesa al potere dei nazisti e delle purghe dei loro obiettivi scelti, gruppo dopo gruppo. Also, the quality of the paper turned out to be amazing. In the case of Brecht, it is unsurprising that his piece can trace its … A performance of Berthold Brecht and Kurt Weill's 'Die Dreigroschenoper' or 'The Threepenny Opera,' which opened at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in 1928. His first poems were published when he was 16 and he went on ... of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live? Haben die Könige die Felsbrocken herbeigeschleppt? Bertolt Brecht and Hanns Eisler, 1950. ― Bertolt Brecht tags ... “There'a a phrase, "the elephant in the living room", which purports to describe what it's like to live with a drug addict, an alcoholic, an abuser. Bertolt Brecht was born on February 10, 1898 in Augsburg, Germany. Bertolt Brecht was a leading German dramatist, well known for his political films and plays. His works were burned during the Nazi book burnings of 1933. Learn more. Bertolt Brecht | Holocaust Encyclopedia Bertolt Brecht Poem: Questions from a Worker Who Reads ... Email; Who built Thebes of the 7 gates ? Brecht in Hollywood. German playwright, Bertolt Brecht's ideas are very influential. Though Artaud coined the phrase ‘Theatre of Cruelty’, he did not live long enough to appreciate it (and his) significance on theatre. People begin to dislike him and he loses his condo. — Bertolt Brecht. Opera de Los Tres Centavos. Mark Twain. Yet Bertolt Brecht found Marxism a productive source of ideas both to understand the work and to revolutionize art. Bertolt Brecht, original name Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht, (born February 10, 1898, Augsburg, Germany—died August 14, 1956, East Berlin), German poet, playwright, and theatrical reformer whose epic theatre departed from the conventions of theatrical illusion and developed the drama as a social and ideological forum for leftist causes. Bertolt Brecht was a theatre practitioner. Because where faith had ruled for a thousand years, doubt has now No one called you, none bade you approach. Bertolt Brecht Poem: Questions from a Worker Who Reads. Mother Courage and Her Children (German: Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder) is a play written in 1939 by the German dramatist and poet Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956), with significant contributions from Margarete Steffin. Click to see full answer. Helene Weigel was a respected matriarch of nineteenth-entury theater, known for her maternal roles in Bertolt Brecht plays and as the director of the Berliner Ensemble theater in East Germany. His flourishing career was interrupted by WWI in 1914. He is perhaps best known for his collaborative work Die Dreigroschenoper (The Three Penny Opera) with composer Kurt Weill.In Berlin during the 1920s Brecht worked with theater directors Max Reinhardt and Erwin Piscator; he also collaborated with composers Weill, … Rate: (1) 24. the world in which we live. Bertolt Brecht. Bertolt Brecht was the professional name of Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht. He met Caspar Neher in school who later designed many of the sets for Brecht’s dramas and helped design a distinctive visual iconography that would uniquely identify the epic theatre. What did Brecht focus on? He wanted his theatre to spark an interest in his audiences’ perception of the world. Bertolt Brecht was a SuperGenius author, writer and director. Start studying Styles of Japanese Theatre and Bertolt Brecht. 2. Of the Friendliness of the World. Brechtian Clichés #3: Breaking the Fourth Wall. Did you enjoy the the artible “Questions From A Worker Who Reads” from Bertolt Brecht on OZOFE.COM? was an Eldian and one of Marley's Warriors. Book burning has a long and dark history. Who live in Los Angeles and not in London. He did not want his audiences to sit passively and get lost in a show’s story, but to make them think and question the world they live in. Coming Monday, Aug. 14 will be the 50th anniversary of Bertolt Brecht's death. ” “It is purely an apparatus for distribution, for mere sharing out. Answer Expose the excesses of a capitalistic society Make them view the characters critically Shock them into turning to Marxism Force them to identify with the main character Question 7 2 points. Bertolt Brecht, 1940, On The Experimental Theatre translated by Carl Mueller. That provides the outer shell of the character - the stereotype, if you like. Written by German com­munist play­wright and poet Bertolt Brecht in 1939, while Brecht was living in Sweden avoiding Nazi per­se­cution, the play tells the story of a woman’s expe­ri­ences during the series of reli­gious con­flicts in Europe from 1618 – 1648. Bertolt Brecht was one of the most important German writers and playwrights of the 20th century. 1. What did Bertolt Brecht aim to accomplish by alienating audiences with his epic theater? A troubled man, he spent much of his latter ... Bertolt Brecht saw Theatre an active instrument for social and political change. Bob Marley. The first success that Bertolt Brecht had was as a playwright in Munich during the Weimar Republic. Answer: Because of his approach to theatre and acting. In what houses of gold glittering Lima did its builders live ? Bertolt Brecht Follow Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht [1898-1956] was a noted German playwright and theatre director but he also wrote some amazing poetry. It took place in Berlin in November 1924 at the home of Asja Lacis, a Latvian actress and theatre director. A … Who erected them? People outside such relationships will sometimes ask, "How could you let such a business go on for so many years? A single man comes and protests, then a policeman clubs him to death. A non-traditional accountant comes with a … I can live for two months on a good compliment. Robert W. Corrigan, 1963, Theatre in the Twentieth Century NY: 1965 Grove Press Edition, pages 94-110, page 106. Playwright Eugene Berthold Brecht (also known as Bertolt Brecht) was deeply influenced by Charlie Chaplinand Karl Marx. Erzählt wird die Geschichte der Marketenderin Mutter Courage, die versucht, ihr Geschäft mit dem Krieg zu machen, und dabei ihre drei Kinder verliert. As a radical man of the German theater in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's his influence and style provide us great vision today. Answer (1 of 2): “”’Culinary theatre’ is theatre which merely gives an experience, mental refreshment as a meal is a bodily restorative. The playwright Bertolt Brecht was born in 1898 in the German town of Augsburg. “A visionary, poet, playwright, and theatrical reformer,” that’s what Bertolt Brecht was known for. —from “On Thinking about Hell,” Bertolt Brecht. He was a daring artist who put his dissatisfaction of the happenings in World War I into writing. "Mack the Knife" or "The Ballad of Mack the Knife was composed by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht for their 1928 music drama "The Threepenny Opera". German poet and playwright who developed a politicized form of theater he called "epic drama," a style that relies on the audience's reflective detachment rather than emotional involvement. Find, on thinking about Hell, that it must be. Much like the city of London. Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill in 1930 Brecht and Weill’s first collaboration was a setting of nine poems by Brecht, apparently about the founding of a city by pleasure-driven, aimless refugees. On thinking about Hell, I gather. It all began when 27-year-old German composer Kurt Weill read a new collection of poetry by a young dramatist, Bertolt Brecht. Kurt Weill was a German composer known for his collaborations with writer Bertolt Brecht. Rate: (1) So many stories. Brecht despises theatre which provides mental foodstuffs but makes no difference to audience. Bertolt Brecht’s Baal and the Anti-heroes of Decadence Fig. Over whom Did the Caesars triumph? Bertolt Brecht was born in Germany in 1898 and died aged 58 in 1956. Poems by Bertolt Brecht. ... All of these artists would later flee from Europe and live for a time in the United States. Thus, ironically, the Marxian revolution had more fruitful results in theory and cultural practice than in actual politics. Although Bertolt Brecht never joined the Communist party, he began to study the works of Karl Marx in the late 1920s and sympathized with … Amit Shah was born in North London in 1981. Fearing persecution, Brecht left Nazi Germany in February 1933, just after Hitler took power. Bertolt Brecht was born on Feb. 10, 1898, in Augsburg. Bertolt Brecht. He moved to Berlin in 1924 in order to pursue his career in earnest. Bertolt Brecht was appointed consultant for Max Reinhardt's German Theater. (brĕkt, brĕKHt), Bertolt 1898-1956. Singled out for his leftist politics, Brecht was blacklisted by Hollywood executives and on October 30, 1947 controversially testified before … When did Bertolt Brecht live? Laura, Australia Brecht. Because Brecht was such nomad and innovator, there were times when he did not have a proper indoor theatre and so he would… Bertolt Brecht alias Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht was a German national, born on 10th February 1898 in Augsburg. And in Barrie Kosky’s hauntingly enjoyable new production of Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht’s famous “play with music” for the Berliner Ensemble — at … With Ray McKinnon, Walton Goggins, Eddie King, Gary Richardson. In the year 845, he, Reiner Braun, and Annie Leonhart breached Wall … At the beginning of the play, Baal is in good spirits and beloved by all. Great Rome Is full of triumphal arches. Usually carried out in a public context, the burning of books represents an element of censorship and usually proceeds from a cultural, religious, or political opposition to the materials in question. One of the progenitors of arts and instruction, Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956) was a theater and media practitioner and theorist who envisioned new forms of art for the twentieth century. . The German author Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) is probably the greatest German playwright of the first half of the 20th century. Perhaps Bertolt Brecht's most obvious intention in connection with the theater was to help change the economic conditions, under which the people in a capitalistic society live. He has doors open to him; he’s requested to publish his poetry and sing his songs at a bar. Bertolt Brecht on actors: “…nobody who fails to get fun out of his activities can expect them to be fun for anybody else.” Brecht was born to a Protestant mother and a Catholic father. Bertolt Brecht was born on February 10, 1898 in Augsburg, Germany. Bertolt Brecht was born on 10 February 1898. Brecht, his legacy and modern theatre practice will examine Bertolt Brecht’s influence in the fields of theatre directing, modern stagecraft, scenography and playwriting and his continuing impact on the modern theatre. BAAL - by Bertolt Brecht. His most famous plays include Life of Galileo, Mother Courage and Her Children and The Caucasian Chalk Circle. Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) and The Caucasian Chalk Circle Dr. Charles F. Urbanowicz / Professor of Anthropology California State University, Chico / Chico, California 95929-0400 ... and go on to conclude that despite his errors he did quite well considering the era he had to live through. $13.45 $9.99 Brecht Collected Plays: 6: Good Person of Szechwan; The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui; Mr Puntila and his Man Matti It became part of the Epic theatre tradition initiated by Erwin Piscator and Bertolt Brecht in Germany in the 1920s. Bertolt Brecht. The tombstone actually reads: "Bertolt Brecht: 1898-1956." Living Newspaper, theatrical production consisting of dramatizations of current events, social problems, and controversial issues, with appropriate suggestions for improvement. He manifested his interest in literature at a young age, writing poetry and book reviews for local papers before he was 15. of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live? Erich Auerbach / Getty Yet Bertolt Brecht found Marxism a productive source of ideas both to understand the work and to revolutionize art. . His works include The Threepenny Opera (1928) and The Caucasian Chalk Circle (1948). Still, a poem Brecht published in 1927, Liturgie vom Hauch [Liturgy of Breath], has a similar theme: an old woman dies of hunger because the military ate all of her bread, then a doctor certifies her death and she is buried, ensuring her silence. Book burning refers to the ritual destruction by fire of books or other written materials. I am rereading portions of German composer Bertold Brecht’s famous 1932 essay “The radio as an apparatus of communications,” and I am confused. 2 CHARACTERS ... this heavenly body they live on. Bertolt Brecht. Where, the evening that the Great Wall of China was finished, did the masons go? Who erected them? - Epic theatre and Brecht - GCSE Drama Revision - BBC Bitesize German playwright, Bertolt Brecht's ideas are very influential. He wanted to make the audience think, and used a range of devices to remind them that they were watching theatre and not real life. Why is Brecht so important? Bertolt Brecht was a theatre practitioner. Before 1924, he continued to live in Bavaria where he studied medicine in Munich from 1917-1921. In 1918, Brecht worked helping at an Army hospital during the First World … Had Byzantium, much praised in song ... Bertolt Brecht. Life comes from physical survival; but the good life comes from what we care about. In this period he wrote poems that highlight the degradation and misery in which the marginalized, for whom he feels great pity, live. The medium, Brecht wrote, “is one-sided when it should be two- . Did Brecht want radio or the Internet? Through the play, his life progressively turns into worse as a result of he drinks too much and has many girlfriends. of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live? Brecht, his legacy and modern theatre practice will examine Bertolt Brecht’s influence in the fields of theatre directing, modern stagecraft, scenography and playwriting and his continuing impact on the modern theatre. […] Amit Shah, Actor: The Hundred-Foot Journey. Bertolt Brecht The playwright Bertolt Brecht was born in 1898 in the German town of Augsburg. After serving as a medical orderly in the First World War and appalled by the effects of the war, he went first to Munich and then to Berlin in pursuit of a career in the theatre. -- "Questions by a workman who reads" ( Fragen eines lesenden Arbeiters ), Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) Wer baute das siebentorige Theben? Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht [1898-1956] was a noted German playwright and theatre director but he also wrote some amazing poetry. Brecht escaped first to Switzerland, then to Scandinavia. He manifested his interest in literature at a young age, writing poetry and book reviews for local papers before he was 15. What is Dramatic Theatre? Although he did medicine in the university, his heart was in literature. Five directors and forty actors. Brecht created numerous plays and theatrical productions during his career, including Die Dreigroschenoper , The Caucasian Chalk Circle , and Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder ... One must live well to know what living is. The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow. Es spielt im Dreißigjährigen Krieg zwischen 1624 und 1636. Brecht’s groundbreaking directing style has been hugely influential to many directors and designers over the decades. Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished. His works were often considered controversial because of his revolutionary dramatic theory and his political beliefs. Bertolt Brecht, a German dramatist, stage director and poet from Augsburg, died on Aug. 14, 1956 at the age of 58. Bertolt Brecht was one of the most important German writers and playwrights of the 20th century. What did Bertolt Brecht want to achieve? And Babylon, many times demolished, Who raised it up so many times ? Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished Did the masons go? But the play’s amoral tone did not provide the solution or the model for how to live a happy life, if one is to live with others, and Brecht was never attracted to the idea of a hermetic existence. Had Byzantium, much praised in song ... Bertolt Brecht. J B Priestley’s play An Inspector Calls, first performed in 1945, is a morality play disguised as a detective thriller.The morality play is a very old theatrical form, going back to the medieval period, which sought to instruct audiences about virtue and evil. Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder ist ein Drama, das 1938/39 von Bertolt Brecht im schwedischen Exil verfasst und 1941 in Zürich uraufgeführt wurde. In den Büchern stehen die Namen von Königen. The 2022 Symposium will focus on Bertolt Brecht’s response to expressions of racism, political oppression, and dictatorship – in the era he himself termed ‘dark times’ (finstere Zeiten).We also intend to discuss aesthetic/political responses to inequality, injustice, and the deprivation of the freedom of speech and of movement in our own 'dark times', and how these … He was a poet, playwright and theatre director. The play is translated by Brecht scholar John Willett who did more than anyone else to make Brecht's work available in the English language. Brecht was not only a poet and a playwright but also a German theater practitioner. Do you know anyone who could enjoy it as much as you do? He observed the way in which people behave and deport themselves and physically interact in social situations. WHAT WE DID ... Bertolt Brecht. 10 March 2021 March 9, 2021 RI Media Coop. They're no longer satisfied with what it says in the ancient books. ... How does the audience affect a live performance? His father worked in a paper mill and his mother was a religious woman who ensured that he learned the bible. You all came in utter nakedness. Eugen Berthold Friedrich Brecht, better known as Bertolot Brecht, was born on February 10th, 1898 in Augsburg, Germany. 1898-1956. It is a sequel to the 1923 novel The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek. The technique was used for propaganda in the U.S.S.R. from the time of the Revolution in 1917.

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