December 5, 2021

venator class star destroyer underside

Following Republic Intelligence's discovery of a Separatist Subjugator-class heavy cruiser that was undergoing construction in the Enoth system, Skywalker brought along two units of Z-95 starfighters-Red Group and Blue Group-to eliminate the Separatist . Browse MOCs; . Venator-Design (large) The Resurgent-class Star Destroyer is the biggest known variant of the Venator-Design Star Destroyers. Image details. Venator-Class Star Cruiser The Venator was the Republic Navy's primary heavy combatant during the Clone Wars, but is strictly second- or third-rank status as of the Battle of Yavin. Much like the Republic assault ships, the two have similar hulls, bridges, engines, and many other parts. ZrsaPro on Legator-class Star Dreadnought 4k Does anyone have the armaments for this ship? Mar 3, 2020. 1. The Munificent-class Star Frigate was a type of warship used by the InterGalactic Banking Clan of Muunilinst as well as the navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars of 22 to 19 BBY. So I was looking through the Incredible Cross Sections book and Imperator-Class Star Destroyers have two side hangars each with two openings; one the outside and one to that big space where the Tantive IV was taken into in ANH, but Venator Star Destroyers have extremely similar hangars to the Imperator-Class with a underside opening and two side hangars but it also has a very large front . With at least as much firepower as a two Venators it can chase and tear any Venator down by itself. . When did the fleets of the OT come into existance? This bundle is marked as approved. It's main bidirectional ion cannons can disable any ship. Atop the main hull was a small T-shaped command tower, with two quad laser turrets flanking it. The Venator Class Star Destroyer is an iconic ship from the Star Wars Universe, ultimately the very ship that started development of the even more iconic Star Destroyers, and is by far my single most favorite ship in ANY Science Fiction, or space based universe. . Update to the hangar area. The Imperial II Star Destroyer has 72 Tie Fighters, 25 Tie Bombers, & 12 Tie Interceptors. If a planet required a lasting presence, a Star Destroyer could quickly deploy a prefabricated garrison base. There could be more detail at the underside, the very front and the sides (which look usually quite . Both fixed a lot of design flaws the Imperial-class star destroyer has. Like most other Star Destroyer models, the Imperial-class was capable of entering atmospheres and supporting ground operations directly. Movies Star Wars. The Tector-class Star Destroyer was a Star Destroyer class in service with the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. The Gnome incident was government incompetence, this was user failure. The Nebula-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Defender-class Star Destroyer, was the largest, most powerful warship design in the New Republic's New Class Modernisation Program. They appear in a variety of forms throughout the Star Wars franchise. . 510 Favourites. Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer. The Recusant-class light destroyer, also known as the Recusant-class support destroyer, was a class of warship manufactured by Hoersch-Kessel Drive, Inc. and Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps. The Rapier Frigate is a Tier II Separatist capital ship from the Star Wars tech tree. It can be assumed that at this time, almost a decade since the defeat of the last credible remnants of the Imperial Starfleet, the pragmatists of Kuat Drive Yards . 44 Comments. I don't know if my problem with the underside sections is the fact that I wasn't using genuine lego parts (don't think so because the clutch strength was ok on those particular parts, or just that it is so unstable. The red and gold livery indicates that this is an Old Republic example of the class Also known as "Republic Attack Cruisers," Venator-class Star Destroyers were the successors of the successful tradition of the Acclamator-class assault transports and the Victory-class . The bottom rack system is on a carousel. 31K Views. 52 x 110 x 37 cm . Story:The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as a Republic attack cruiser or Jedi Cruiser, was a line of wedge-shaped Star Destroyers in service with the Galactic Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. It also has far stronger shields and hull. (14 cm) high,and this complete set combines . Executor II (Lus. It works and satisfies the submission rules. 10. When was the Delta series and the V-wigns replaced by TIEs? In a straight slugfest, Impstar 2 10/10. The Relentless Venator-Class Star Destroyer was commanded by Admiral Legnar Hoax. The Acclamator is designated as a "trans-galactic military transport", and its slang name is "Assault Ship". The LAAT/i was highly effective but lacked large amounts of armor making it a vulnerable target. One comes in from above and attacks the shield generators. Gladiator-class Star Destroyer/Legends. As the backbone of the Galactic Republic's naval forces during the Clone Wars, the Venator was a . Venator-class Star Destroyer. OOM-247 watched with an expressionless face as the Venator-class star destroyer crashed into Captain Mar Tuuk's Lucrehulk, bursting both ships into flames and sending them into a slow plummet towards the planet below.If his face had been capable of expression, however, it would have worn one of surprise.. Below him at the navigation console, pilot droid and first officer OOM-253 gave a . What battles of the Great Jedi Purge were fought in space, if any? Characteristics [] Weapons []. Answer (1 of 9): Well, the biggest problem with the Venator is that it's an absolutely fantastic Carrier… used as a battleship or a destroyer… Let's take a look, shall we? Characteristics [] Weapons []. Answer (1 of 5): We've never seen an Imperial-class land in canon so far as I know, but we know that their predecessors the Acclimator and Venator classes were able to land, so it's possible that it's still a feature of the design. Answer (1 of 3): Okay. VT-16 16:45, 18 May 2005 (UTC) Um. They appear in a variety of forms throughout the Star Wars franchise. Most quests focusing on the clone wars do so from the perspective of the Jedi or the clones. By. Subscribed. Resurgent Class is the largest Venator - Dreadnought is largest Sentinel - this is off the NMS wiki: Resurgent-class. Manufactured in great numbers by the Commerce Guild and incorporated into the CIS Navy at the start of the Clone Wars, the Recusant was initially operated mostly by droid brains which gave it a nasty habit of colliding into other ships. The Arquitens-class resembled a smaller version of the Venator-class Star Destroyer, with engines similar to the smaller Consular-class space cruiser. 12. It has an openable main hangar door which can accommodate in-scale micro starfighters. The Tector is undoubtedly meant to be Saxton's Anonymous Star Dextroyer #5. 2170. 9 months ago. Josh Peterson on Venator WIP#7 One of the most intricate and beautiful things I'v… Jonathan on Venator WIP#7 It looks wonderful! This is unsurprising as more than a decade has passed since the original set was released and the Imperial vessel remains as popular today as it was in 2002. The Ravager, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, was destroyed during the Battle . They all have a huge midsection and 6 indentations, instead of 4 or 2. The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer was a derivative of the Imperial I-class. The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Republic Attack Cruiser, was a type of capital ship manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for the Galactic Republic Navy, which used them extensively throughout the Clone Wars of 22 to 19 BBY. They came to be nicknamed 'Jedi Cruisers' due to them being the most common type of flagship utilized by Jedi Generals and High Generals during the war . Venator-class Star Destroyer (Star Wars) Subscribe. I will start with a capital ship and work my way down. The rest of the Star Destroyer is covered with 2 Quad heavy turbolasers, 3 . The Imperial-I's weapons are very impressive but when the Imperial-II was created, the Imperial-I is just a standard Star Destroyer.The Imperial-I possesses a main battery of six heavy turbolasers and two heavy ion cannons, arranged in four dual mounts flanking the ship's tower structure. (24 cm) wide and 5.5 in. It's main bidirectional ion cannons can disable any ship. Two subvariants existed, which were the Venator I-class and the Venator II-class. The rest of the Star Destroyer is covered with 2 Quad heavy turbolasers, 3 . So I was looking through the Incredible Cross Sections book and Imperator-Class Star Destroyers have two side hangars each with two openings; one the outside and one to that big space where the Tantive IV was taken into in ANH, but Venator Star Destroyers have extremely similar hangars to the Imperator-Class with a underside opening and two side hangars but it also has a very large front . A Venator with more guns and fewer fighters is a Victory. Imperial Star Destroyer. Likes: +17. The Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer will be carrying 72 First Order Tie fighters & 32 Space Superiority Fighters. Mainly, the entire dorsal face of the Venator is woefully defended. A single Imperial 2 star destroyer has an offensive output roughly equal to about 6 venators all on its own. Both fixed a lot of design flaws the Imperial-class star destroyer has. . The ones I'm aware of, from legends cannon, are: Executor - built at Fondor shipyards, destroyed over Endor. Imperial I-class Star Destroyer. Story:The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as a Republic attack cruiser or Jedi Cruiser, was a line of wedge-shaped Star Destroyers in service with the Galactic Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. Although it was only 1,040 meters long (65% of the length of an Imperial -class Star Destroyer), the Nebula -class was built to be a match for an Imperial II . G. Gemini-class Star Destroyer. Red parts are teamcolored, and the windows glow in the dark (awesome). Somewhat well armed for their size and reasonably . But there is one that shall rule all, the Millenium Falcon! Gladiator-class Star Destroyer. (47 cm) long,9.5 in. The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer was a derivative of the Imperial I-class. The flagship of the Republic Navy, the powerful Venator class star destroyer reigned supreme throughout the Clone Wars. The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Republic attack cruiser or Jedi cruiser, was a line of wedge-shaped cruiser-classed Star Destroyers in service with the Galactic Republic and Galactic Empire. I tried somewhat to make the color fit with Olofmoleman's Acclamator class. The Venator-Class Star Destroyer had the . The primary role of the Providence-class Dreadnought was to act as the command ship of fleets. 9 months ago. DarthCatius on Compellor-class Star Cruiser 4k I think he is too busy building the thing to worry… Yes, George Lucas loves this trope. Prusmia wrote: Gnome and hopper huh.. Seven looks back and sees the Venator-class ship from earlier loom over them before it starts to fire down its . ALL OF THEM. Trophy Points: 287. It is not a medium cruiser. The Acclamator-class Assault Ship, formally called the Acclamator-class Transgalactic Military Assault Ship and sometimes simply called the Republic Assault Ship, was a class of warship used by the Galactic Republic Navy throughout the Clone Wars of 22 to 19 BBY. A single Acclamator-class assault ship could carry up to eighty LAAT-series gunships, while a Venator-class Star Destroyer had space for half that complement. What was the composition of the Imperial Fleet during the time of the Victory Star Destroyer. Introduced in 22 BBY, the sinister looking ship became almost as common a sight throughout the Clone Wars as the Munificent-class star frigate. (Caution, long answer ahead) The Venator Class Star Destroyer: Length: 1137 meters Width: 548 meters Armament: 8 Turbol. While it remains a capable warship, on par with the Victory-Series ships, it has been side-lined by a shift in Imperial doctrine, toward capital ship combat, and . A single Imperial 2 star destroyer has an offensive output roughly equal to about 6 venators all on its own. Jan 18, 2004. Despite some shortcomings, they proved to be capable enough for a wide variety of missions ranging from escort to blockading to interdiction. In a straight slugfest, Impstar 2 10/10. Gladiator II-class Star Destroyer. I'm gonna go with the New Republic's Nebula and Endurance classes of star destroyers. Venator vs. Enterprise Battle (Star Wars vs Star Trek) Redstone Device Map. I can finally present you this model after nearly 2 years of work. Venator Class Star Destroyer [2][New] Published: Apr 1, 2015. Full scale build of the Venator-class Star Destroyer from the Star Wars franchise as seen during the opening scene of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Captain Pineapples • last year. I. Imperator-class Star Destroyer. . A Venator-Class Star Destroyer from Star Wars. Subscribed. Full scale build of the Venator-class Star Destroyer from the Star Wars franchise as seen during the opening scene of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Answer: The Venators would be able to attack from three directions. (24 cm) wide and 5.5 in. Republic Gunship, Venator-Class Star Cruiser, Dooku's Solar Sailer, X-wing, Snowspeeder, Vader's TIE Fighter, Clone Wars Jedi Starfighter, Attack Of The Clones Jedi Starfighter, etc. =Venator-class Star Destroyer= While designed primarily for ship-to-ship combat, the Venator had secondary roles ranging from starfighter carrier, to military transport and battleship escort. (14 cm) high,and this complete set combines . As with most big ships its maneuverability is below average. Exactly. Considering the appetites of carriers in Kancolle. With at least as much firepower as a two Venators it can chase and tear any Venator down by itself. While strictly speaking it hasn't landed, it is hovering very close to the surface of the planet. An End Game destroyer designed for heavy combat against Separatist forces and fighters while also serving as a carrier and anti-fighter ship. Answer (1 of 12): Imperial Archives Document-916327516 Report of High General Cem Arslan to Lord Vader concerning restructuring of the Imperial Army, Navy, and the Stormtrooper Corps In light of the recent destruction of the Death Star at the hands of the treacherous organization that is the Re. Vengeance Class SD I would base my capital ship off of the Venator. This well armed and shielded behemoth was designed to fight the republican clone army. Venator-class Star Destroyer. Venator-class Star Destroyer (Star Wars) Subscribe. Notable examples of Star Destroyers include the Imperial-class Star Destroyer and its predecessor the Venator-class Star Destroyer. Given the repulsor-based vertical takeoff abilities of Star Wars ships, and given that . The Halleck is not a bulk cruiser, as it is described as wedge-shaped, therefore it must be a new Rothana or Kuat Drive Yards ship built for the Republic. Includes 8 slots for heavy turbolasers, 12 for light turbolasers, and 6 for PDCs. by Fractalsponge | posted in: Capital ship, Design notes, Galactic Empire, Star Wars, Starfighter, WIP | 7. Give me a Victory (57 million credits), a Venator (59 million credits), and an Acclamator (29 million credits) for the price of one Imperial (150 million credits) every time. The Ravager, an Executor-class Star Dreadnought, was destroyed during the Battle of Jakku. With the . Unsubscribe Description. Weight: 7.75 kg (273.5 oz) The Star Destroyer could use its guns and TIE starfighters to support any surface action. It would have large hanger doors on the underside, sort of like a Venator. But, instead of just two huge doors, there are four that can be individual. The LAAT/i's optimal fighting range was in the lower atmosphere, where they could reach speeds in excess of six hundred kilometers per hour. The Star Destroyers are the Galactic Empire's assault ships. ALL OF THEM. By: . w00t! Unsubscribe Description. When exactly did the Imperators come along, and when did the Venators go? It was a 1.6-kilometer-long dagger-shaped vessel, essentially a version of the contemporary Imperial-class, with ventral hangars absent. A Venator-class Star Destroyer above Coruscant. Venator-class with a turbolaser on the underside . class destroyer empire imperial star venator wars. The Star Destroyers are the Galactic Empire's assault ships. Venator - General Trageton . Instead of ventral hangar bays, the design opted for an increase in armor that covered the areas normally used as main hangar openings . However, when commanded by tactical droids or the infamous General . Clone Wars - The Galactic Republic and The CIS. In the case of the smaller Acclimators they had landing gear whi. Vader's personal flagship. Much like the Republic assault ships, the two have similar hulls, bridges, engines, and many other parts. A docking ring was located on each side of the ship and a deep split cleaved the bow into two prongs. ZrsaPro on Legator-class Star Dreadnought 4k Does anyone have the armaments for this ship? Dimensions With a length of 1,600 meters, the wedge-shaped Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was 445 meters longer than its immediate predecessor, the Venator-class Star Destroyer, which had been developed for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. Phanza was assembling her inner circle for an assault on a Venator-class Star Destroyer. Somewhat well armed for its size and . There could be more detail at the underside, the very front and the sides (which look usually quite . Pieces: 11103 . Dimensions: 65 x 137 x 46 studs. If I had to pick one of the 3 pictured, I'd say the Venator, but if I could pick any Star . One comes from behind and attacks propulsion, and the last one attacks from the front so the least number of turbolasers can be put into use (and, unfortunately, as fod. According to Everi Chalis, Star Destroyers were the most resource-intensive ships the galaxy had ever . The Imperial-class Star Destr. It is also known to take the role . . The tanks fire at the underside of the ship, destroying its hull heavily and damaging its engines as debris was blown out and floating across their ship. . Admiral Wurrathu and Phanza stood side by side on the tall platform at the center of the bridge, overlooking operations, while Schweva, Yevenna, HK-107, Doctor Daiyor, Darth Rezivara, Inquisitor Baracyn, and I stood behind them. I would have been afraid to pick it up if I had ever succeeded in getting . I honestly don't see the venators even having a chance at winning without their fighters or tricks like the artillery cannon in their underside hangars. 20.5 x 43.2 x 14.6 inches . . 5.3k 995 2. x 11. This well armed and shielded behemoth was designed to fight the republican clone army. DarthCatius on Compellor-class Star Cruiser 4k I think he is too busy building the thing to worry… Size:The Star Destroyer measures about 18.5 in. According to Wookiepedia the Venator Class Star Destroyers are apparently between 1137 to 1155 meters in length. However, "Anonymous Star Destroyer #5" is a fanon interpretation of a scene in RotJ that can also be read as showing the underside of an ISD model kitbashed to represent the dorsal armour of the bows. Yes, they had heavy armor there and their shields were powerful, but until later on in the war they had almost no offensive weaponry of any merit that could . Manufactured by Rothana Heavy Engineering, these ships were designed as military transport assault ships; quickly deploying sizeable . Utilised as a command vessel for smaller fleet groups, or as a mobile starfighter and assault transport carrier in large-scale engagements, the Venator was perhaps the most enduring symbol of Republic strength across the galaxy. A Star Destroyer was a dagger-shaped type of capital ship that were used by the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the First Order, and the Sith Eternal. I'm gonna go with the New Republic's Nebula and Endurance classes of star destroyers. #43. 10:05, 26 January 2009 (UTC) Answer (1 of 3): This will likely not be a popular opinion but it would be the Venator and Victory I-class that would destroy the Imperial-class Mark I or II it doesn't matter and it actually comes down to both flexibility, speed and, surprisingly enough, firepower. As with most big ships its maneuverability is below average. unusualsuspex. The Imperial-I's weapons are very impressive but when the Imperial-II was created, the Imperial-I is just a standard Star Destroyer.The Imperial-I possesses a main battery of six heavy turbolasers and two heavy ion cannons, arranged in four dual mounts flanking the ship's tower structure. The Relentless was known to be the Jedi General Kalem Towlea's flagship and would transport the 405th Battalion to their various missions across the galaxy. MOC - UCS Venator-Class Star-Destroyer. The Republic-class star destroyer is a vessel of modern manufacture which serves governmental fleets in the era following the New Republic's consolidation of galaxy-wide power. First Images of Star Wars Transformers Crossovers Venator-class Star Destroyer/Clone Pilot - Transformers News. Venator-Class Star Cruiser The Venator was the Republic Navy's primary heavy combatant during the Clone Wars, but is strictly second- or third-rank status as of the Battle of Yavin. Info about the Venator-class Star Destroyer from 'revenge of the sith' and the clone wars should be added to this as it isnt part of the EU like alot of types and it plays an important role in the rise of the galatic empire and there change of distroyer. A single Acclamator-class assault ship could carry up to eighty LAAT-series gunships, while a Venator-class Star Destroyer had space for half that complement. . I honestly don't see the venators even having a chance at winning without their fighters or tricks like the artillery cannon in their underside hangars. I also feel the main bay of a Venator could work good on a later Star Destroyer it's underside, by placing four Tie racks in it, thus allowing rapid launching of perhaps upwards of 400 Tie's. Hopefully, Tarkin notices things like the development of the Eidolon class Strike Cruiser. Providence-class Dreadnought or more commonly known as the Separatist dreadnought, was a model of dreadnought designed by Quarren engineers and manufactured by Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps and Rendili StarDrive for use by the fleets of the Trade Federation. Chief among those I despise is the Venator-Class Star Destroyer. Z-95 starfighters also served with Anakin Skywalker aboard his Venator-class Star Destroyer. If I had to pick one of the 3 pictured, I'd say the Venator, but if I could pick any Star . The Venator Star Destroyer had MASSIVE blind spots. The top part of the hangar I expanded *just* enough to hold a DX-9 stormtrooper transport (and obviously smaller utility vehicles etc.). Watch. The long panning shot of the Republic Venator-class Star Destroyer in Revenge of the Sith subverts this, as it ends to reveal hundreds of warships fighting the Battle of Coruscant in the distance, showing that this ship isn't particularly special. (47 cm) long,9.5 in. Dimensions With a length of 1,600 meters, the wedge-shaped Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was 445 meters longer than its immediate predecessor, the Venator-class Star Destroyer, which had been developed for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. SharkyMcShark, Sep 23, 2010. VIEW. It was predominantly used in the Clone Wars on many occasions to fight against the Separatist war machine. The expanded carrier role made the Venator-class popular amongst Jedi starfighter aces. While it remains a capable warship, on par with the Victory-Series ships, it has been side-lined by a shift in Imperial doctrine, toward capital ship combat, and . Consisting of a single Venator-class Star Destroyer at it's core, along with an Acclimator-class assault ship and two Arquintins light cruisers in a protective forward screen, it was nothing to sneeze at. The Venator will have 192 V-wing starfighters, 192 Jedi starfighters, 36 ARC-170 starfighters, & 40 LAAT/i. Depending on the arm layout, …. But it was also the most the Republic could scrape together and spare to on such short notice with their struggle to push back the droid . Venator-class with a turbolaser on the underside . Josh Peterson on Venator WIP#7 One of the most intricate and beautiful things I'v… Jonathan on Venator WIP#7 It looks wonderful! Size:The Star Destroyer measures about 18.5 in. 181.75 KB. Venator-class Star Destroyer. In Rogue One, the Dauntless, an Imperial-1 class Star Destroyer, hovers what appears to be a mere few thousand feet over Jedha, presumably using its repulsors. Courtesy of D-Drive. This is the perspective of a member of the Confederacy of Independent systems. The Venator Class Star Destroyer, the hammer of the republic. Follow/Fav Rebirth: A Battle Droid Story. Making it well over three times the length of the modern Earth Gerald R Ford class carriers. It also has far stronger shields and hull. Venator Class Destroyer. Vigilance - Venator-class Star Destroyer . Many fans have been requesting an updated rendition of 10030 Imperial Star Destroyer in recent years. Built under 14k blocks with medium armor covering delicate internals. Answer (1 of 2): I'm uncertain as to the exact amount but I do it was a line of ships that numbered in the double high double digits at least. both have a underside hanger, and we know the venitor has a forward hanger, we can count that both ships has 8 huge . .

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venator class star destroyer underside