outdoor recreation industry report
Updated Economic Report shows Washington State's Outdoor ... According to the report, outdoor recreation in a challenging year for most industries accounted for an impressive $654.2 billion in economic output while supporting 4.3 million American jobs. A new report shows that outdoor recreation continues to add more money and more jobs to Washington's economy. These new numbers show outdoor recreation generates $689 billion in economic output and creates 4.3 million jobs nationwide. Outdoor Industry Association issued the first outdoor recreation economy report in the early 2000s; this third edition takes a broader view of the growing industry and its shifting demographics. Office of Outdoor Recreation Home Industry segments like boating and fishing, biking, camping and RVing, hunting and shooting sports, and powersports . Finally, a legislative package only the Grinch would ... COLORADO SPRINGS — Government data released Thursday confirmed what the outdoor recreation industry has known all along: that it is indeed a force. COVID-19 inspired huge participation growth throughout the Outdoor Recreation Industry, as we've detailed throughout the 2021 Outdoor Research Report. Federal statistics for percent of GDP shows the top six outdoor recreation industry states as Hawaii at 5.8%, followed by Vermont at 5.2%, Montana at 4.7%, Florida at 4.4%, and Maine and . Outdoor Recreation by Industry. The report reiterates recent U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis data showing Wisconsin's outdoor recreation industry's strong foundation contributes $7.8 billion to the state's gross domestic product. Outdoor recreation is a central way that people interact with the natural environ-ment. The report also found that Montana is . Hiking & Outdoor Equipment Stores in the US - Industry ... Federal land agencies are key providers of settings, facilities, and landscapes for recreation. The Outdoor Recreation Economy by State - Headwaters Economics There is no doubt that the outdoor recreation industry is having its day in the sun. However, as funding for these projects became more challenging to acquire, the reports narrowed their Report: Colo. outdoor industry continues to grow Photo by Britt Lê. Outdoor recreation is a central way that people interact with the natural environ-ment. A new report shows that outdoor recreation continues to add more money and more jobs to Washington's economy. Much has changed since 2006 when Outdoor Industry Association commissioned the first economic study on outdoor recreation in the United States. How COVID-19 Has Impacted Outdoor Recreation. The report examines more than 40 outdoor activities in . The Granite State's $2.2 billion outdoor recreation industry employed over 26,500 people in 2020. The Vermont Outdoor Business Alliance (VOBA) and its 60 members are dedicated to strengthening, expanding, attracting, and retaining outdoor recreation economy businesses in the state. It said the outdoor recreation industry - which it considers everything from amusement parks and outdoor concerts to fishing trips and RV'ing - contributed $2.2 billion New Hampshire's economy, about 2.6 percent of the gross domestic product in 2020, and employed over 26,500 people. According to the Outdoor Industry Association, outdoor recreation generated $887 billion in direct spending for the U.S. economy in 2017, a 37% increase from its 2012 valuation. Federal land agencies are key providers of settings, facilities, and landscapes for recreation. The Bureau of Economic Analysis reports that the likes of hikers, cyclists, anglers and off-road enthusiasts pump $412 billion into the nation's gross domestic product, accounting for 2.2 . Outdoor recreation makes up 2.1% of country's GDP, generating USD 788 billion in real gross output. Photo by Britt Lê. Outdoor Foundation Study: Half of the US population does not participate in outdoor recreation at all. Outdoor recreation is also an important driver of economic activity in rural communities near recreation destinations and across the United States. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released updated economic data on outdoor recreation's powerful and positive economic impact on the U.S. economy showing $788 billion in economic output, comprising 2.1% of U.S. GDP and supporting 5.2 million jobs. It is the largest, most comprehensive survey of its kind, and includes results for all 435 U.S. congressional districts in addition to national . According to the report, Nevada's outdoor recreation economy lost about 6% of its jobs during the pandemic. Outdoor recreation employment in Colorado dropped from 149,000 in 2019 to 120,000 in 2020, representing a loss of nearly one out of five jobs in that industry, according to an annual study from . Pennsylvania's outdoor recreation industry accumulated about $13.2 billion, or 1.6% of the state's domestic product in 2019, giving it the sixth-highest GDP from the industry among all states, according to statistics that The Bureau of Economic Analysis released in a recent report. For the first time, the BEA has added Outdoor Recreation to their annual Economic Analysis and what they found is that […] Over 93,000 jobs across diverse sectors - from tourism to manufacturing to retail and the arts - are supported by outdoor recreation and . 2020 Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) Annual Report Document: 2020 Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR) Annual Report. The Outdoor Foundation's research investigates the depth and effect of Americans' participation in outdoor recreation. Over the past year and a half, as COVID-19 clarified the value of time outside for physical and mental health and connecting with . The outdoor recreation industry's contribution to the U.S. economy shrank 19% from 2019 to 2020 and employment in that sector fell by 17.1%, according to a report conducted by the Bureau of . The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is "a force for the industry in recreation and trade policy, sustainable business innovation and increasing outdoor participation" on a national level. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, more Americans have turned to the great outdoors, some for the first time and others for . The report, which points to the growing outdoor recreation industry and strategic investments in public lands and facilities in the Pennsylvania Wilds, positions the region as a model for how the Conservation Landscape program is gaining traction and creating real value for communities. COVID-19 Impacts on Vermont's Outdoor Recreation Industry and Recommendations for Reopening and Recovery - May 1, 2020. These one-year gains, however, did not fundamentally alter the long-term challenges faced by the outdoor industry. See the report. Key Highlights from BEA's new report on the outdoor recreation economy: Outdoor recreation makes up 2.1 percent of U.S. GDP, generating $788 billion in gross output and supporting 5.2 million jobs. According to the report by the prestigious Hoover Institution at Stanford University, "Alabama is exceptionally endowed with a vast array of natural assets that can be leveraged to expand its outdoor recreation industry, enhancing the state's attractiveness for high-skill individuals and new tourists, as well as yielding substantial returns . Rising instances of consumer participation in outdoor recreation and sports activities are paving the way for hiking gear and equipment. This includes everything from hunting and fishing to boating, bird-watching, and bicycling and much more. As co-chair, alongside Axie Navas, Director of New Mexico's Outdoor Recreation Industry Division, this year has been dedicated to supporting OREC Offices across the country through the pandemic, and on taking collective action on critical opportunities to support investments in our land, water, and recreation infrastructure. "Americans prioritize outdoor recreation, and they continued to in 2021 with strong numbers in participation and sales," said Jessica Turner, president of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, during a news conference to discuss the numbers. Despite the downturn, those in the industry put a positive spin on their sector of the national economy. However, conventional outdoor activities like camping, boating, fishing and RVing either increased . "We had talked to both . A new report commissioned by the Outdoor Industry Association offers valuable insights about Americans' engagement in outdoor activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. . Hiking & Outdoor Equipment Stores in the US industry outlook (2020-2025) poll Average industry growth 2020-2025: x.x lock Purchase this report or a membership to unlock the average company profit margin for this industry. Below is the… While . Key Highlights from 2020 data on the outdoor recreation economy: Outdoor recreation generated $689 billion in gross output during a year of shutdowns and closures, and 4.3 million jobs in communities across the country. Finally, a legislative package only the Grinch would oppose. The outdoor recreation industry is an economic powerhouse, contributing $412 billion (2.2 percent) of total U.S. We are proud to be working in the same space of Recreation Economy advocacy here in Whatcom County and Washington State. The outdoor recreation economy is a significant and growing contributor to the U.S. economy, as measured by the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA), produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The 2021 Outdoor Participation Trends Report, commissioned by the Outdoor Foundation, reveals that in 2020, 53 percent of Americans ages 6 and over participated in outdoor recreation at least once, the highest participation rate on record. The next closest was Hawaii, with 3.8%. The market is segmented by product type (camping furniture, camping backpacks, tents, cooking systems and cookware, camping protective gear, and accessories), distribution channel (offline retail channels and online retail channels), and geography (North America . (Read more about the data sources, methods, and . At the state level, outdoor recreation value added as a share of state GDP ranged from 5.8 percent in Hawaii to 1.3 percent in Connecticut. The Bureau of Economic Analysis released statistics today measuring the outdoor recreation economy for the nation, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia. The Economic Analysis of Outdoor Recreation in Washington State , which was released in late July, says that outdoor recreation contributes $40.3 billion in annual economic activity in the state of Washington. The new U.S. data show that the outdoor recreation economy accounted for 2.1 percent ($459.8 billion) of current-dollar gross domestic product (GDP) for the nation in 2019 (national table 11).
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