lena luthor villains wiki
Selena (Anjali Jay) is a recurring villainess from Season Three of The CW's Supergirl series. Lena, now a . Lena Luthor is the younger sister of Lex Luthor. Ninja72 ( talk) 21:09, October 29, 2019 (UTC) Ok, thanks. It is also entirely automated by flying itself, making . Lena Luthor's Armor | Arrow Fanon Wiki | Fandom Lena Luthor is a recurring character and villain in DC Super Hero Girls. She wears a large set of glasses, a necklace . Lena Luthor is the daughter of Lex Luthor and the Contessa Erica del Portenza. He's also one of the most intelligent people in the world and was the CEO of Luthor Corp until his recent imprisonment where he was succeed by his younger . Lena Luthor's Armor is a specialised protective nano-tech body suit created by Lena. LuthorCorp is Lex Luthor's company. Lena Luthor | Earth-27 Wiki | Fandom Lena became known as Lena Thorul. "Clash" | DC Animated Universe | Fandom DC Super Hero Girls 2022 Anime Wiki The character was originally depicted as a mad scientist who, in the vein of pulp novels, wreaks havoc on the world with his futuristic weaponry. This is a gross overreaction. She is the tyrannical Queen of Daxam, the wife of Lar Gand and the mother of Mon-El. Equipment: None known. Lena Luthor, also known as Lena Thorul-Colby, is a supervillain in the DC Universe. O, my gawd! Edward Nygma, also known as The Riddler, is a supervillain from DC Comics, most often opposing Batman and Robin, and sometimes Green Arrow. Lena Luthor | Toon Ultra Wiki | Fandom However after her Brothers incarceration she is made The New CEO and overall Leader of The Company and moves it to National City in the hopes of re branding it as a force for good. This is ridiculous, father! He is a genius master criminal who is obsessed with riddles and always leaves complex clues for the ones trying to solve his crimes. None known. Lex is a charismatic, powerful, and influential businessman, yet controversial public figure, as well as the CEO of LexCorp. She is the cousin and female counterpart of Superman, the occasional crime fighting partner of Barbara Gordon and the best friend of Stephanie Brown. To be added To be added To be added To be added Driving: Computer Operation: Science: Investigation: Weaponry: Warsuit: DC Super Hero Girls (3 films) DC Super Hero Girls: Intergalactic Games (First appearance) - Romi Dames LEGO DC Super Hero Girls: Brain Drain - Romi Dames LEGO DC Super Hero Girls: Super . Nyxlygsptlnz, also known as Nyxly, is a Fifth Dimensional imp who was trapped in the Phantom Zone after her imprisonment by her tyrannic father, King Brpxz. She is also the sister of Lex Luthor. Lena was born in 1993 in Metropolis to the billionaire Lionel Luthor and an unnamed woman with whom he was having an affair. In Silver Age continuity, Lena is Lex Luthor's younger sister. Lena Luthor was created by Jerry Siegel and Kurt Schaffenberger, first appearing in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #23. Unlike Batman's other villains, in most interpretations, Riddler is primarily driven by an extreme obsession with proving . Lutessa Lena Luthor is a recurring character who serve as the first main antagonist in the series DC Super Hero Girls.. Depiction. Lex Luthor is a powerful and influential businessman, and owner of LexCorp. Lex isn't a villain, just more of a serious businessman with a frequent ruthless streak. Lena Kieran Luthor is a fictional character portrayed by Katie McGrath in the Arrowverse, mainly the television series Supergirl, based on the DC Comics character of the same name.In the series Supergirl, Lena is the daughter of Lillian and Lionel Luthor and the sister of Lex Luthor.First introduced as a recurring character who moved to National City . This also allowed her to outwit her evil stepmother on several occasions. "Clash" is the seventh episode of the second season of Justice League Unlimited, and the 20th of the overall series. My access is unrestricted" — Odyssey Tess Mercer (born Lutessa Lena Luthor) is Lex Luthor's former protégée and younger half-sister, and Lionel Luthor's illegitimate daughter with Pamela Jenkins. Lena Luthor View source History Talk (0) Daughter of Lex Luthor. Lena is a young girl with green eyes, peach skin and orange-blond hair (which . His main goal was to destroy all of existence itself. In addition to being doted upon by her father, Lena grew . A charismatic and well-known, yet controversial public figure, Lex was the . It is a direct evolution of Lex Luthor's final suit, and as such, it functions with the same nanite technology, granting great versatility and efficiency. After Lex began his villainous career, his family changed their last name in shame to the anagram "Thorul" and told Lena that Lex had . Meanwhile, Lena Luthor, complaining about being a "B list" villain, comes up with another evil scheme that will make her one of the most respected super villains of her time, hiring construction workers to quickly build something 'the size of a school'. Lionel Luthor was portrayed by John Glover. She married Jeff Colby and had a son, Val Colby . Lillian Luthor (portrayed by Brenda Strong) is the leader of Project Cadmus, Lex Luthor's mother, and Lena Luthor's step-mother, and is the primary antagonist of season two's arc. Appearances of Lena Luthor (Earth-X0) (Chronological) Character Gallery: Lena Luthor (Earth-X0) None. Lutessa "Lena" Luthor is a recurring villain in the second generation of the DC Super Hero Girls franchise. Lex Luthor is one of the thousands of characters to appear in this 2D . Business . When . The mainstream version can be found here: Lex Luthor. Adopted by the Luthor family at age four, Lena Luthor took charge of LuthorCorp (which she renamed L-Corp) after her brother was sent to prison. To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Proposals of the day, see: 1 - Needs More Votes: Enrico Pucci from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean - Ends December 2nd 2 - Bowser from White Knuckle Scorin ' - Ends December 2nd 3 - The Dark Star from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Ends December 3rd To vote for the Inconsistently Heinous Removals of the day, see: That is, until the end of season 4, where she found out from her evil brother, Lex Luthor, that her best friend, Kara Danvers, was lying to her about her identity as Supergirl. She was portrayed by Teri Hatcher, who also played The Beldam in Coraline. History of character is unknown. Lena Luthor's jet is a vehicle whose prime function is flight. None known. Luna was born in Metropolis in 1989 to billionaire industrialist Lionel Luthor and his second wife, Pamela. One of its products is LuthorCorp's Element 7 cellphone, which is prone to self-destruction (thanks to superheroes). He has since endured as the archnemesis of Superman.. Lex Luthor was originally depicted as a narcissistic . Lex Luthor: [muffled sigh] [muffled:] This is not up for debate, Lena. Luna Luthor: 1989 - Present. During her search, Nyxly received help from Lex Luthor . Lex Luthor is the self-made CEO of LexCorp and the arch-nemesis of Superman. However, it was designed by Lena Luthor herself and as such has several advanced features that define itself as superior to most other planes. She is the CFO of Spheerical Industries, and she was shown alongside CEO Jack Spheer at a press conference regarding Biomax, a nanobot system that was designed to eliminate all diseases. Rhea and her husband, Lar-Gand, were first shown in the final scene of episode 2.15, "Homecoming," as they were revealed as Mon-El's parents. Lena spent here her only moments of happiness in company of Clark's daughter, Laura, of the same age. Lena Luthor is a major character in the CW series Supergirl. Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor (born 1972) is a billionaire industrialist, inventor, and scientist, as well as one of the most intelligent people in the world. Unlike Batman's other villains, in most interpretations, Riddler is primarily driven by an extreme obsession with proving . Luna Luthor became pregnant with Lori during her first year in college after being taken advantage of by a frat boy, but she decided to keep the child and persevered through classes up until the day of delivery (her water broke while in chemistry class). The original character was created by Jerry Siegel and Kurt . Unlike any of the other versions of the Lena Luthor throughout the multiverse who are all human, this version of her is Kryptonian and was apart of a dangerous class of Kryptonians known as the Beserker Tribe. GOLB is the overarching antagonist of Adventure Time. Lena voiced her suspicions on L-Corp receiving a shipping bill from a Luthor Corp Naval Solutions facility, which had been shut . Weapons: None known. Even without superpowers, Lex is easily the most dangerous human being on the planet. An ambitious young man, Lionel Luthor had his parents murdered and used the insurance money to start his own business, which he used to amass wealth and power. They were shown in their ship heading to Earth, with their . Lionel Luthor is a villain that features in Smallville. In the Pre-Crisis continuity, her family had their names changed out of shame and a desire to distance themselves from the name Lex Luthor. Luthor is one of the leaders of the Light. Evil or antagonistic characters in the DC Super Hero Girls World. She was known to be an exceptionally gifted child even as a toddler. He is calm, soft-spoken, and unfailingly polite, thus manipulating unwitting people into getting his way. She was found by . Lena Luthor is the younger sister of Lex Luthor and a member of the Legion of Doom. For the Earth-3 counterpart, see Alexander Luthor. Almost like a cyborg. It produces hardware and electronics, which "surprisingly" finds its way into the Legion of Doom's hands. File:Young Lena Luthor.png. Please follow one of the disambiguation links below or search to find the page you were looking for if it is not listed. When Lena was still young, her father took over control of LuthorCorp after his father's death. Biography. He was the best friend-turned-archenemy of Superman, whom he viewed as an obstacle to his megalomaniacal plans and as a threat to the very existence of humanity. Unknown. Sadly, her mother died during childbirth leaving her to be raised solely by her father. Over the centuries, the Luthor family became wealthy and influential, Lex . Lutessa Lena "Tess" Luthor is the estranged biological daughter of Lionel Luthor, the half-sister of the late Lex Luthor, and the adoptive sister (and mistress) of Clark Luthor. Lex Luthor Born Alexander Joseph Luthor is the son of Lionel Luthor and Lillian Luthor and older half brother of Lena Luthor born in The City of Metropolis. Principal Waller goes on vacation, leaving Vice Principal Grodd in charge. Unknown to the Justice League and villains, Luthor somewhat acquainted himself with Darkseid before the Earth's annexation. Probably because it is too soon to tell if she is the main villain of this season. She is the younger sister of Lex.She is introduced by Lex in the beginning of the first episode, Sweet Justice, and by the end of the episode the superhero team finds out that she was behind the demolition robots sent to destroy various teen hangouts in the city. This makes her more dangerous than Lillian, or even Lex, since she is "a friend", no one suspects her, makes her the most formidable and dangerous villian ever. Lex Luthor is a now-deceased supervillain. Lex Luthor's parents were Jules and Arlene Luthor. 41232 Super Hero High School 41238 Lena Luthor Kryptomite Factory Lena Luthor is . Luna returned to finish college soon after Lori was weened off breastfeeding. The Super Villain Girls are a group of female super villains in the second generation of the DC Super Hero Girls franchise that causes mayhem across the city of Metropolis. In the syndicated television show Superboy, Luthor first appeared as a rich, scheming college student played by Scott James Wells. Edward Nygma, also known as The Riddler, is a supervillain from DC Comics, most often opposing Batman and Robin, and sometimes Green Arrow. He was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. She manifested an evil attitude by making her evil plan to use her brother's sensitive technology to visualize people, including Lex himself. Lena Luthor (レナ・ルーサー, Rena rūsā?) He is the son of Lillian Luthor and the late Lionel Luthor, the brother of Lena Luthor. However, Lena redeems herself by the end of the season and amended their friendship. Search Lena Luthor (Arrowverse) on Amazon. Superhuman Strength: The suit is the . In spite of her family relationship, Lena frequently associates herself with the Superman Family, mainly as an ally of Supergirl. is a recurring character in the DC Super Hero Girls anime and one of the main villains in DC Super Hero Girls: The Musical. However, in the Prime Earth continuity, Lena Luthor first appeared as part of the New 52 DC Universe in Justice League (Volume 2) #35 by Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. In early episodes, Luthor is preoccupied with showing up Superboy, rigging basketball games, and stealing priceless artefacts, among other small-time schemes. She and her team were the ones responsible for turning John Corben and Hank Henshaw into Metallo and Cyborg Superman respectively. From my humble beginnings in Action Comics #23 (April, 1940) , I have been portrayed as almost everything between a Mad Scientist and a rather upscale white-collar criminal, a maniacal villain to an abused child, courtesy of my evil, sadistic, backstabbing, manipulating lunatic of an excuse for a father, Lionel Luthor. He served as one of the final antagonists of season 10, along with Uncle Gumbald. At the close of the first season, Superboy accidentally causes Luthor to go bald while saving him from a . He can't stand that a muscle-bound alien garners more attention and adulation than a man of his stature. Lena showed a naughty attitude during the LexCorp commercial with her brother. Lena Luthor: Although Lex's little sister is often a friend of or ally to Supergirl in her civilian or hero identity, a Lena's counterpart had been brainwashed by her brother into hating all aliens, including the Girl of Steel. He is currently leader along with the Joker of the DC Universe Villains. Lena Luthor is a DC Comics minifigure who appear in DC Super Hero Girls. NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Lex Luthor from the Arrowverse. Lena Luthor was created by Jerry Siegel and Kurt Schaffenberger, first appearing in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #23. Note: This list will go through the list of villain deaths in DC movies and TV shows including Superman, Tim Burton Batman Movies, The DCEU, The Arrowverse, Watchmen, Red, Green Lantern, Joker, and The Dark Knight None General Zod - Tried to fly and fell down a crevice after Superman stripped his powers Ross Webster - Killed in a cave-in after Superman blew up the computer Nuclear Man - Thrown . Lena Luthor is the sister of Lex Luthor and the main antagonist of DC Superhero Girls: Intergalactic Games. In the Comics. Publication history. This article is a disambiguation page for Lex Luthor. He is a genius master criminal who is obsessed with riddles and always leaves complex clues for the ones trying to solve his crimes. Lena Luthor first appeared in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #23 and was created by Jerry Siegel and Kurt Schaffenberger.. Fictional character biography Pre-Crisis version. Mercy Graves Lena Luthor Lex Luthor Angel O'Day Sam Simeon Oval Office, White House, National City, VA March 11th 2017, 1707 Local Time Lena Luthor: [muffled:] No! She was originally a supporting character, but after she found out that Kara Danvers had being lying to her about her identity as Supergirl, she becomes a major antagonist in Season 5. The Contessa was under anesthesia during childbirth; Lex kept her in a drugged coma, so that he could have sole custody over Lena. Lena was supporting character in Supergirl until becoming a villain when she found out her best friend, Kara Danvers lied to her about being Supergirl. When they first met, he invited her to play a game of chess that the four-year-old girl eventually won. Nyxly met Kara Danvers and they became friends until Nyxly betrayed her. What Makes Her Heinous? [muffled groan, muffled stomp] [muffled:] I'm a grown woman, daddy! Supergirl (real name Kara Zor-El, also known as Kara Danvers) is a major protagonist in the DC Comics. Lex Luthor & Lana Lang's relationship is a nod to the TV show Smallville. Lena Luthor is a young girl with green eyes, peach skin and orange-blond hair (which is later shown to be a wig, since the chemicals she worked with burned her hair off). Lillian Luthor is a scientist, the leader of Project Cadmus and the biological mother of Lex Luthor and adoptive mother of Lena Luthor.She serves as the main antagonist in the first half of the second season of the CW TV series Supergirl, a minor antagonist in the third and fifth seasons, and a minor character in the fourth season.. She was portrayed by Brenda Strong. This leads to her becoming a villain in season 5. Lena Luthor is one of the tritagonists in CW's 2015 series Supergirl. Lena Luthor from Arrowverse Proposal - November 17, 2021 - Status: Approved Count Bleck from Super Paper Mario Proposal - November 13, 2021 - Status: Approved Catra from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Proposal - November 12, 2021 - Status: Approved Upon exiting the Phantom Zone, Nyxly began searching for the Seven AllStone Totems to destroy the entire world. With Superman occupied by a plummeting airliner, the Justice League's newest recruit answers Batman's call for backup . Lex Luthor is a major antagonist in the TV series Supergirl, serving as an unseen antagonist in Season 2, a mentioned character in Season 3, one of the two main antagonists (along with Agent Liberty) of Season 4, a major antagonist in Season 5 and one of the two .
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