December 5, 2021

dbs trustee limited annual report

Annual Report unless their annual income is over £100,000. ANNUAL REPORT 2017. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - Prime US REIT Governance structure - view / download. 247.39 Cr. 450,000 marketing emails sent to customers who had opted out. Ltd., the Trustee-Manager of FH-BT (the Trustee-Manager) (collectively ... DBS Bank Ltd Malayan Banking Berhad, Singapore Branch ... United Overseas Bank Limited, Tokyo Branch Maybank Investment Bank Berhad Autralia and New Zealand Banking Group s Limited, Sydney Branch ANNUAL REPORT 2020 /7 Contents. About The Manager. The charitable ... appointed any additional Trustees. DBS Bank Ltd., China International Capital Corporation (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. are the Joint Bookrunners and Underwriters for the Offering. DBS Securities & Fiduciary Services is a leading provider of custody, fund administration and trusteeship services to financial institutions, asset and investment managers, corporates, insurance companies and family offices. SINGAPORE NBN TRUST MINUTES OF ANNUAL GENERAL … Example trustees’ annual report and financial statements 1 Pension scheme annual report checklist 40. Conventionally responsibility for the management of a private company lies with its directors. Trustee Fee^ Up to 0.02% p.a. the Manager and the Trustee in each annual accounting period and report thereon to Unitholders in an annual report. The data covers nearly 80 years up to 2016 and links to people and companies in more than 200 countries and territories. Departments, agencies and public bodies. Group Annual Reports. To receive and adopt the Report of DBS Trustee Limited, as trustee of Prime US REIT (the “ Trustee”), the Statement by Chairman of SATS Ltd. Annual Report for Freecharge Payment Technologies Private Limited for the year ended 2019-2020. Factsheet Download PDF. Mrs. Chng Sok Hui is the Chief Financial Officer of DBS Group. The Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of Invesco High Income Trust II (the “Trust”) approved a Managed Distribution Plan (the “Plan”) whereby the Trust increased its monthly dividend to common shareholders to a stated fixed monthly distribution amount based on a distribution rate of 8.5 percent of the closing market price per share as of August 1, 2018, the … DBS's annual reports offer an analysis of our performance and communicates progress made on our strategy. For and on behalf of the Trustee DBS TRUSTEE LIMITED JANE LIM Director 23 … But whilst there is ... year end for the purposes of the annual report. DBS Thai Danu Bank Public Company Limited 393 Silom Road Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel: (662) 230 5000 Fax: (662) 236 7939 * 51.80% owned by DBS Bank. Date: 7 Apr 2021 File Size: 6.2 MB Download PDF View Flipbook Format Download Independent Market Study FY2020 Portfolio Details. The issue managers for the initial public offering and listing of Far East H-Trust are DBS Bank Ltd, Goldman Sachs (Singapore) Pte Ltd and The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Singapore. NetLink NBN Trust Annual Report 2021 05 NetLink NBN Trust (also referred to as the “Trust”) is a trust constituted on 19 June 2017 by a declaration of trust by NetLink NBN Management Pte. ANNUAL REPORT 2020 ... (Managed by KBS US Prime Property Management Pte. Prior to this appointment in October 2008, she was Group Head of Risk Management for six years. Annual Report for A.Treds Limited for the year ended 2019-2020. The bank was set up based on the recommendations of the 1926 Royal Commission on Indian Currency and Finance, also known as the Hilton Young Commission. Annual Report To Unitholders For The Financial Year Ended 30 June 2021 A) Fund Performance Fund Performance/ ... DBS Group Holdings Limited 7,341,815 18.73 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation 5,553,237 14.16 ... REPORT OF THE TRUSTEE Ltd.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting (“ AGM”) of the holders of units of Prime US REIT (“ Unitholders”) ... 1. Pricing Of S$65,000,000 6.00 Per Cent. Annual Report FY2020. Company Ltd by Guarantee Registered Company in England Registered Company No. Singapore Telecommunications Limited | Annual Report 2019 122 OVERVIEW BUSINESS REVIEWS GOVERNANCE AND SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE FINANCIALS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Nikko Asset Management Asia Limited: Trustee: DBS Trustee Limited: Fund Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Singapore) Designated Market Makers: FlowTraders Asia Pte Ltd, Phillip Securities Pte Ltd: Management Fee^ 0.15% p.a. Ltd. (the “REIT Manager”) and Far East H-BT is managed by FEO Hospitality Trust Management Pte. DBS Trustee Limited, the trustee of a trust established for the purposes of the performance share plans for the benefit of eligible employees of the Group. with trustee investment strategy and clarify the legal content of trustee reports. Soilbuild Business Space REIT (“Soilbuild REIT”) is a trust constituted by a deed of trust (the “Trust Deed”) entered into between SB REIT Management Pte. For and on behalf of the Trustee, DBS Trustee Limited Chan Kim Lim Director Singapore 18 … Annual General Meeting FY2020 22 April 2021. (Audited as of financial period ended 30 June 2021) Annual Report for Axis Trustee Services Limited for the year ended 2019-2020. Departments. CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad For Kenanga Growth Opportunities Fund (50154 TR01) 1.29: 2,805,600: NEW: 3.48M: CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Semi-Annual Report 2020 MANAGER’S INVESTMENT REPORT For the period ended 31 December 2020 (unaudited) Manager’s Notes ... DBS Trustee Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DBS Group Holding Ltd. (“DBS”). The annual report serves the purposes of both a Trustees’ report and … Ltd. (the “Trustee-Manager”). Equity Trustees - 2021 EQT Holdings Limited Annual Report - Page 1 - Created with Corporate Governance . Directors’ Statement ... Ms Chua had a deemed interest in 10,836,742 shares held by DBS Trustee Limited, the trustee of Virgin Media Limited fined £50,000. Debenture Trustee Axis Trustee Services Limited The Ruby, 2nd Floor, SW, 29, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai- 400 028, Maharashtra, India Bankers • State Bank of India • Axis Bank Ltd. • Citibank N.A. TruSTEE Of H-rEIT DBS Trustee Limited 12 Marina Boulevard Level 44 DBS Asia Central @ Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3 Singapore 018982 Telephone : … She is the Chairman of the Board of DBS Bank India Limited, a board member of the Singapore Exchange (Chair of Risk Committee) as well as Changi Airport Group (Chair of Audit Committee). DBS Bank Limited MUFG Bank Limited Catholic Syrian Bank MUDRA Punjab National Bank ... 4 // ANNUAL REPORT 2021 | TVS CREDIT SERVICES LIMITED Approval under Section 180 (1)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013 to secure the borrowing by creating ... trustees and/or fi nancial institutions/other entities in such manner and on such terms and conditions Integrated Sustainability Reports are available here. Manage the risks. 2 NOTICE is hereby given that the 22nd (twenty-second) Annual General Meeting of the Members of Petronet LNG Limited (PLL) will be held on Thursday, 10th day of September 2020 at 2.30 p.m. via Video Conference (VC)/Other Audio Visual Means (OAVM), to transact the following businesses: ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1. Subordinated Perpetual Securities To Be Issued Pursuant To The S$500,000,000 Multicurrency Debt Issuance Programme Of DBS Trustee Limited (In Its Capacity As Trustee Of Soilbuild Business Space REIT) ("Soilbuild REIT") - Interested Person Transaction. Scottish Power Limited is the holding company of the Scottish Power Limited group (“ ScottishPower ”). 126 mapletree north asia commercial trustannual report 2020/2021 DBS Trustee Limited (the “Trustee”) is under a duty to take into custody and hold the assets of Mapletree North Asia Commercial Trust (“MNACT”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) in trust for the holders (“Unitholders”) of units in MNACT. Additional Details: Period Ended: 31/12/2019 DBS Bank Ltd Malayan Banking Berhad, Singapore Branch Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited United Overseas Bank Limited ... Risk and Compliance Committee of each of the REIT Manager and Trustee Manager. In the opinion of the directors of SPH REIT Management Pte. Ltd. 50 Raffles Place, #32-01 Singapore Land Tower Ltd. is the manager of Prime US REIT and DBS Trustee Limited is the trustee of Prime US REIT. annual report. He started his banking career in July 1978 and retired in January 2020. For and on behalf of the Trustee DBS Trustee Limited Jane Lim Puay Yuen Director … Trustee DBS Trustee Limited 12 Marina Boulevard, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982 T: +65 6878 8888 F: +65 6878 3977 Company Secretary, Unit Registrar and Unit Transfer Office Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Services Pte. CIMB Group Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn. Company law contains particular provisions which further confine the rights of a beneficiary of a trust that holds shares in such a company. 82 Mapletree Commercial Trust Report of the Trustee FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2015. During the academic period, at least 3 formal Board meetings were held. Annual Report 2019 07. Mapletree is a leading real estate development, investment, capital and property management company headquartered in Singapore. CDLHT stands to benefit from the Sponsor’s financial strength, experience, market CDL HOSPITALITY TRUSTS Sunny George Verghese Executive Director, Co-Founder and Group CEO ... Limited (Director) (Trustee Manager of Cache Logistics Trust) SembCorp Marine Ltd (Director) Linc Energy Limited (Director) Bracell Limited (Director) ... DBS Bank Ltd (Director) DBS Foundation Ltd (Director) According to the Register of Directors’ Shareholdings, Ms Chua had a deemed interest in 10,836,742 shares held by DBS Trustee Limited, the trustee of a trust established for the purposes of the Singtel Performance Share Plan and the Singtel PSP 2012 for the benefit of eligible employees of the Group, IPO Prospectus Download PDF. Singapore Telecommunications Limited, commonly known as Singtel and stylised as SingTel, is a Singaporean telecommunications conglomerate and one of the four major telcos operating in the country. To receive and adopt the Report of DBS Trustee Limited, as trustee of Sasseur REIT (the “Trustee”), the Statement by Sasseur Asset Management Pte. DBS Bank Ltd Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Limited ... (REIT) and the trustee-manager of the business trust (BT), of which the REIT and BT comprise the stapled group, Frasers Hospitality Trust. DBS Trustee Limited has been providing trustee and fiduciary services in Singapore since 1975. Therefore, every member of a PCC is also a charity trustee. Name) Gerald Lee Hwee Keong Designation News stories, speeches, letters and notices. All Trustees hold an advanced DBS. DBS Trustee Limited, being the share trustee of TM Shares Trust would act in accordance with the resolution passed by Unitholders at the meeting. To the best knowledge of the Trustee, the Manager has, in all material respects, managed the Trust during the period covered by these financial statements, set out on pages 81 to 113 in accordance with the limitations imposed on the investment and borrowing powers set out in the Trust … Strategic Report 2020 (PDF 2MB) Strategic Report 2020 - Chinese (PDF 6.5MB) The Strategic Report is the first section of the Annual Report and Accounts. Ltd., CLSA Singapore Pte. For and on behalf of the Trustee, DBS Trustee Limited Jane Lim Director Singapore 6 October 2016 REPORT OF THE TRUSTEE SPH REIT 88 ANNUAL REPORT 2016. 5894388 UK Registered Charity No. It provides an overview of how we are structured, what we do and where, our strategic plan, the principal risks we face, and high-level performance information. The investment objective of the Fund is to provide investors with investment returns that correspond ... each annual accounting period and report thereon to unitholders in an annual report. Chairman explained Notice of AGM and other AGM related documents are available here. If a PCC is a charity it must comply with the Charity Commission guidance and legislation in relation to charities. Annual Report for Accelyst Solutions Private Limited for the year ended 2019-2020. Trustee of the Singapore Institute of International Affairs Endowment Fund. DBS Bank Ltd., Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch and Haitong International Securities (Singapore) Pte. contact. To the best knowledge of the Trustee, the Manager has, in all material respects, managed MIT and the Group during the financial year covered by these financial statements, set out on pages 145 to 228, in accordance with the limitations imposed on the investment and borrowing powers set out in the Trust Deed. Ms. Private Limited • DBS Bank India Limited. The Constellation Trust Summary of Business Interests 2020/21 - view / download. M&C Business Trust Management Limited (the “HBT Trustee-Manager”) was appointed the trustee-manager of ... annual report of its activities to the Board. The Trustees present their annual report together with the financial statements and auditor’s report of the charitable company for the year 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. The Annual Report FY2020 has been published on ARA H-Trust’s website and may be accessed at the ... DBS Trustee Limited, in its capacity as trustee of ARA H-REIT, ARA Real Estate Investors 23 Pte. The report should explain the aims of the charity and how it is achieving them. Singapore Telecommunications Limited | Annual Report 2017 124. ... DBS Trustee Limited, as the trustee of Sasseur Real Estate Investment Trust, or any of their affiliates. We are a Singapore-incorporated company wholly-owned by DBS group Holdings Ltd, one of the largest banking groups in the region. The Trustees present their annual report together with the financial statements and auditors’ report of Romero Catholic Academy Trust (The “Charitable Company”) for the period 27 th March 2019 to 31 st August 2020. 1. DBS Securities & Fiduciary Services is a leading provider of custody, fund administration and trusteeship services to financial institutions, asset and investment managers, corporates, insurance companies and family offices. State Street Bank and Trust Company (“SSB”) is … • Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India • ENAM Holdings Private ... 22 Statutory Report Annual Report FY2021 141 Name of the Asset SPV Name of the Tenant Earnest Towers Private ... manager, trustee, valuer, directors of the Trustee/manager/sponsor, etc. Annual Report 2018 was complex and asked whether this could be simplified. PPFAS Trustee Company Private Limited Registered office: 81/82, 8th Floor, It is a chance to show the benefit to the public of the charity’s work and also show funders how their money was used and what was achieved with it. • DBS Bank India Ltd. • HDFC Bank Ltd. • ICICI Bank Ltd. • Standard Chartered Bank • MUFG Bank Ltd. • Mizuho Bank Ltd. The joint issue managers of the initial public offering and listing of NetLink NBN Trust were DBS Bank Ltd., Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore) Pte., and UBS AG, Singapore Branch. DBS Bank Ltd. is the Sole Financial Adviser, Global Coordinator and Issue Manager for the Offering. Annual Report Download PDF. Annual Report for the Financial Year 2019-2020 Sponsor of PPFAS Mutual Fund Trustee to PPFAS Mutual Fund Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services Private Limited Registered office: 81/82, 8th Floor, Sakhar Bhavan, Ramnath Goenka Marg, 230, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400021. dbs bank annual report 2018 Dublin (/ ˈ d ʌ b l ɪ n /; Irish: Baile Átha Cliath, pronounced [ˈbË alʲə aːhə ˈclʲiə] or [ˌbʲlʲaː ˈclʲiə]) is the capital and largest city of Ireland. CIMB Commerce Trustee Berhad For Kenanga Shariah Growth Opportunities Fund (50156 TR01) 1.27: 2,773,200: NEW: 3.44M Debenture Trustee Axis Trustee Services Limited The Ruby, 2nd Floor, SW, 29, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai- 400 028, Maharashtra, India Bankers • State Bank of India • Axis Bank Ltd. • Citibank N.A. Total Expense Ratio # 0.25% p.a. Ltd., as trustee-manager of NetLink NBN Trust (“Trustee-Manager”), under the trust deed dated 19 June 2017 (as amended and restated by the There are a variety of methods which trustee boards can use to recruit new trustees. 1 Members’ rights are limited to receiving an annual report and attending and voting at the annual meeting. As of 30 June 2016, 30.81% shares are owned by the promoters and the promoter group (United India Insurance Company Limited, Oriental … trustee of IREIT Global, DBS Trustee Limited, external auditor, Deloitte & Touche LLP, legal advisor, Allen & Gledhill LLP, unit registrar, Boardroom Corporate & Advisory Pte. ASCOTT RESIDENCE TRUST Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 19 April 2021 3 1. Debenture Trustee M/s SBICAP Trustee Company Ltd. 6th Floor, Apeejay House, 3, … annual report. Ltd. and independent ... As the Annual Report and Notice of this Meeting had been published via SGXNET and made IPO Prospectus Download PDF. DBS Trustee Limited (H-REIT Trustee) M&C (Sponsor) ≈37.5% (1) Other Investors ≈62.5% HBT (owner or lessee) H-REIT(3) (owner and lessor) fl37.5% fl62.5% 4 Annual Report 2018 STAPLED STRUCTURE OF CDLHT. MAS has issued a Notice of Intention (NOI) to direct DBS Trustee Limited, the Trustee of Eagle Hospitality Real Estate Investment Trust (EH-REIT), to remove Eagle Hospitality REIT Management Pte Ltd (EH-REIT Mgt), the Manager of EH-REIT and appoint a new manager, in view of breaches of the Securities and Futures Act (SFA) by EH-REIT Mgt. Protecting people and safeguarding responsibilities should be a governance priority for all charities. Ascott Residence Trust Management Limited (Reit Manager) was appointed manager of Ascott Reit in accordance with the terms of the trust deed dated 19 January 2006 (as amended) between the Reit Manager and DBS Trustee Limited, as the trustee of Ascott Reit (Trustee). ANNUAL REPORT 2020. Finding potential trustees. Detailed guidance, regulations and rules Introduction. Annual Report and Financial Statement Year Ending 31st August 2017 - view / … Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, Singapore Branch: Trustee: DBS Trustee Limited: Fund Auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (Singapore) Designated Market Makers: Flow Traders Asia Pte. Annual Report & CG Report - 2021: 28 May 2021: General Meetings: Notice of Meeting: 20 Apr 2021: Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/03/2021 (Amended Announcement) 20 Apr 2021: AMFIRST - Notice of Book Closure DBS Trustee serves customers worldwide. Lifeworks Charity Limited Trustees’ Report For the year ended 31 March 2020 The Trustees, who are also directors of the Charity for the purposes of the Companies Act, present their annual report (incorporating the directors report as required by company law) and audited financial statements For the year ended 31 March 2020. Annual General Meeting FY2020 22 April 2021. L&T Finance Holdings was originally incorporated as L&T Capital Holdings Limited on May 1, 2008 under the Companies Act, as a public limited company, to carry on the business of investment/finance. Sep 20, 2018. The Board of Trustees (the “Board”) of Invesco High Income Trust II (the “Trust”) approved a Managed Distribution Plan (the “Plan”) whereby the Trust increased its monthly dividend to common shareholders to a stated fixed monthly distribution amount based on a distribution rate of 8.5 percent of the closing market price per share as of August 1, 2018, the … Bhd. 1121190 Board members and Directors structure - view / download. Ms. Wong was Group Executive responsible for the institutional banking business at the Singapore-based DBS Group from 2008 to March 2019, encompassing Corporate Banking, Global Transaction Services, Strategic Advisory and Mergers & Acquisitions. This presentation shall be read in conjunction with Manulife US REIT’s Annual Report 2017 which is also published on SGXNet. In accordance with Axis Bank Limited, formerly known as UTI Bank (1993–2007), is an Indian banking and financial services company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Ascendas India Trust is focused on capitalising on the fast growing IT and logistics industries in India. About this database. The Academy Trust is a private company limited by guarantee and is an exempt charity. DBS Group said on Friday its private banking arm has started offering trust services for cryptocurrencies, helping rich clients include the emerging asset class in their succession plans. The annual report serves the purposes of both a Trustees’ report and a directors’ report under company law. 3. Annual Report and Financial Statement Year Ending 31st August 2016 - view / download. The H-REIT Manager Board and the HBT Trustee-Manager Board review such an annual report. of the Trust Deed dated 8 June 2006 (as amended) between the H-REIT Manager and DBS Trustee Limited, the H-REIT Trustee. Example trustees’ annual report and financial statements (Updated April 2016) ABC Group Pension Scheme Trustees’ annual report and financial statements Registered number 123456789X Year ended 5 April 2016 Pension scheme financial statements Previously, she served as Chief Financial Officer of the DBS Group between 2003 and 2008. DBS Checks Where a PCC Member is a trustee of a charity the role is eligible for a DBS Check: dbs bank limited annual report 2018 19,259.38 Cr. The main responsibility of Scottish Power Limited, via its Board of Directors, is to disclose, implement and ensure compliance with ScottishPower’s policies, strategies and general guidelines. ANNUAL REPORT Building Resilience NEXT LAP OF GROWTH. Contents Awards GROUP OVERVIEW 01 Key Highlights 01 Awards 02 Corporate Profile ... Co., Ltd. DBS TRUSTEE LIMITED (TRUSTEE) Sasseur Jinan Limited Sasseur Jinan HK Limited Sasseur (Kunming) Investment Consultancy Co., Ltd. Kunming Sasseur Commercial Management

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dbs trustee limited annual report